Tomorrow is the start of my mostly-tuning-out-of-electronics week. I might take sneak-peaks at email(I mean, I have to know if I win any more giveaways!) and Facebook(only because a friend is getting engaged tonight and my brother is taking pictures that might be up–but thats a whole ‘nother story.)I also have a couple applications that I’ll be online for too.

I’ve just been getting really annoyed with all the computers and cell phones and ipods and iphones and websites and the whole “I’d rather spend time with my ____ then with people” mentality. So, I decided to start my semi-break. 🙂 I want to do a complete-as-possible break soon but with other things I have going on right now, it just isn’t a good time. We’ll see how long this one lasts…

When I return(sounds like I’m going to some foreign country!)I’m going to start documenting what I learn every day based on the “you learn something new everyday” saying/thought. I started consciously thinking about it a few weeks ago and its amazing what you notice and learn when you’re really trying!

Have a wonderful week(or so)until I see you again! 🙂