Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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Friends and frogs. May we never confuse the two.

Of all my friends, Joanna is the most faithful visitor. She’s visited 90% of my many homes across the eastern seaboard. She and Autumn recently arrived at our home in a whirlwind of energy and laughter. I’m never more myself than when I go home to visit or my lifelong friends are around.
They came to Night to Shine where we cheered on the red carpet and woke up hoarse from over enthusiasm. Did we convenience Joanna to make an appointment at a certain dress shop? Time will tell.

For the last night of their visit, I rented us a tiny house in Atlanta. Its size lived up to its name. It was so cute, but it was a squeeze. We’re already a trio who overuse “sorry” and “excuse me.” We really wore out both phrases during our stay in the tiny house. 

Our time in Atlanta was primarily food-based. We ordered too much delicious food from Bartaco, brought giant customized cinnamon buns back to the tiny house, and scouted out several coffee shops. Two of the coffee shops that promised ”a comfortable location with a warm atmosphere” were inside the Atlanta airport. Nothing on the internet clued us in, so it wasn’t until we got off the exit for the airport that we realized it. We put in the address for the other place and it looped us around to the other side of the airport. We aren’t looking to have an ice coffee at the comfortable location by Gate B18.

I told the girls to leave all their cold weather clothes at home. We’d been living in 70* weather (which does not bode well for how hot it will be mere weeks), so there was no need to bring anything with a long sleeve. Naturally, all my statements about warm weather brought cold and rain and general dreariness for our visit to the botanical garden.
We left with the free, but unwanted, souvenir of coughs and sore throats. On top of the bad weather, we found several frogs which captured the attention of everyone but yours truly. I stayed several feet from the display they were near, but unfortunately, that put me near another frog display. I could not escape nor look away. I have to close my mouth and pull my shirt over my mouth the whole time I am near frogs incase one jumps. I fear that one of those horrid creatures will end up in my mouth so I need to identify their location, look them in their beady eyeballs and know which way to move if one jumps. It is EXTREMELY STRESSFUL. Why we spent so much time with the frogs when the orchid room was awaiting us is beyond me. We were mesmerized. It was stunning. Sadly I cannot keep one solitary orchid alive longer than five and a half days. I purchase at least one a year because my optimism is both strong and delusional. I want this whole setup for my birthday. I’m sure it will survive through July 4th.


the blizzard of ’25

the blizzard of ’25

The day after we moved to this tiny southern town lo, seven long long years ago, we awoke to a snow flurry. It was the lightest of flurries, with every flake melted within two hours. Our redneck neighbor Peedro came across our shared driveway with a cigarette dangling...

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let’s back ourselves up to before Christmas

I've just returned from bringing Lucielle to the vet. I've been concerned about what looks like a lump on each side of her stomach. Naturally I diagnosed her with cancer, and ran through all scenarios of surgery and eventual early death, leaving Linus all alone. Turns...

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We shall rename Charlotte’s Web to Sarah’s Egg Sac

The latest of AB's shows, Charlotte's Web, has been performed.  She had to wear a bow and pearl necklace which delighted me to no end. She was less than thrilled. This was the first production where Annabelle had so many lines, and she studied as if she was up for the...

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