Snapshot 1: 

Horseback riding in a torrential downpour.

Snapshot 2: 

I tried to take an incognito picture of Dad and Elizabeth riding their horses behind me but all I got was this picture of the side of my face. Looks like I have a serious case of 5 o’clock shadow going on. Christopher is a lucky man!

Snapshot 3:
Snapshot 4:
Snapshot 5:
The professional fireworks were canceled due to previously mentioned rain, but Christopher directed us in setting off our own personal fireworks show. I had never set off fireworks before and most of mine never left the ground. The show was successful because no one lost any important limbs! 
Snapshot 6: 

 Showing off my flexibility Giving Dad a personal water aerobics class.

Snapshot 7:
While swimming we saw an entire rainbow circling the sun. I’d never seen anything like it before. I’d look up the technical name but then I’d get sidetracked reading predictions about my Godchild, the future prince/prince of Cambridge.  
Snapshot 8:
Rainbow leaves at Centennial Park in Nashville.