Three years ago on our first Christmas we were in Arizona and decorated a tiny Christmas tree. I loved it. Last year we were in the apartment and ended up with a forest in our living room. This year we’re in a house and I almost had to buy bought/made a few more decorations. What a pity.

This wreath snowman is my Pinterest crafting success story. He’s just so cute.

I think the designers of our nativity did their best to include anyone who could have been in a 100 mile radius of the manger that night. Poor Mary. It doesn’t look like she had much of a silent night with the whole town crowded around. 
Grandma gave me this nativity but she lost the original baby Jesus so she took a Jesus from another set. This Jesus is huge. I guess you could say Jesus is really big in our house. I’m sorry. The jokes are endless. 
The stockings are hung over our fake fireplace with care. (We’ve put a man on the moon and yet no one has invented Christmas lights without the annoying and tacky three foot cord at the end.)

Our theme tree this year is a blue and silver snowflake downstairs. We picked out this tree after church Sunday night and it was so wet we couldn’t really tell what the tree looked like. It didn’t settle as much as I was hoping so I’ve spent considerable time pushing and pulling the branches in attempts to fluff it. You know what doesn’t bend and twist like a fake tree? A real tree. In the end it sorted itself out and looks presentable. 

View at night from the top of the stairs.
I had some extra garland and lights so I strung them on our bed. I’m sure Aggie is looking at this picture and feeling depressed there aren’t any throw pillows on my bed. It’s like I’ve learned nothing from her during our friendship. 😉
We have our fake tree with all the decorations in our living room upstairs. 
It’s held up with a package of No. 2 pencils. Klass act around here.
I searched high and low for a new tree topper and finally found one at the place whose sophistication rivals the pencils in the picture about- the Dollar Tree. 
We got this Guess How Much I Love you ornament for Sesame. I know. The baby’s not born yet so technically doesn’t need an ornament, but you’re talking about the couple who in three years have collected the number of ornaments usually reserved for a couple going on their 44th anniversary. 
May your Christmas be filled with joy and an overabundance of hot chocolate and ornaments.