It’s my one month post and I’ll look away if I want to.
Taken today at exactly 1:40, the time I was born. 

Vital statistics: 8.1 lbs, 21” long. I’m still rocking the newborn diapers and mostly wearing newborn clothes.
Best friend: Mr.Lion. He gets all my love.

My sleeping habits: At night I usually sleep for about 5-7 hours, wake up to eat, than sleep for 2-3 more hours. I am a very noisy sleeper which doesn’t annoy my dad but sometimes bothers my mom. Occasionally she blames her lack of sleep on me and the big D-a-d. One night Dad was snoring and I was grunting and groaning so loud Mama couldn’t get any sleep for hours. She was so happy in the morning! 

I answer to: Sesame, Annabelle, Anna, AB, and Squishy. My mom’s also been known to call me Addison and Ava for reasons I do not understand. I really have very little idea what my name is.
I picked my first flower this week. Mom was so proud.

I enjoy/am mildly amused at: Mealtime, music, walks around the neighborhood, baths, when Daddy sings to me because he gets the words wrong, my new swing from Oma.

Editorial comments: Somehow the baby has gone from the size of a sesame seed to a little person who has started to smile. If at any point time decides to slow down you won’t hear any complaints from me.