It’s hot here. Really, really hot. Like, 184* with humidity of 1200%.

Have I mentioned that our air conditioning has a mind of its own and only works half the time?

Sometimes all we can do is sit in a mini lawn chair in the middle of the living room and look out the window, longing for a day when we will live in a state where no one melts .6 seconds after walking out the door.
The heat has lead to lots of naked time for the baby. “Heeeeeeey, Mom!!!!”

“I’M PEERING INTO YOUR SOUL. Do you have any food hidden there? When’s my next meal? Do you like my eyes? I’m hungry.”

Yesterday it was so hot I couldn’t even take her swimming in our hot tub on the face of the sun kiddie pool on the deck. The next best activity was entertaining herself by putting Honeypot on her head. 

I prefer that activity over her latest development- rolling from her back to her stomach, OMG I cannot handle it. I’m not sure whether to curl up the fetal position because she’s growing too fast or because I’m dying from heat stroke.
“Did somebody say lunchtime?”