The last time I had a lengthy unplanned blogging break I was sicker than a dog newly pregnant. While I make it my mission in life to keep up with the royals, I assure you this break had everything to do with a broken computer and was NOT because I jumped on the second baby train along with William and Kate.  It’s a good thing Annabelle’s new tiara came just in time to celebrate the coming of her new brother or sister in law. 

A real princess wears her tiara while in her pajamas.
We’re working on her royal wave.

In other news, it’s been business as usual over here. By that I mean embarrassing and awkward things continue to happen. The maintenance man came over unexpectedly this morning and I only had on half a face of makeup. Literally down the middle half. One eye had eyeshadow and one didn’t. I wish I was kidding.

For reasons I do not understand, Christopher insists on keeping the beer caps and wine bottle corks every time he has a drink. I’m always finding them in the laundry or random corners around the house. A few days ago I found one under the couch and threw it at him while sarcastically asking, “What are you going to do with all these corks? Make a pinterest craft with them?” Imagine my surprise when he said, “Actually, I was thinking about it.” COLOR ME SHOCKED. Who is the pinterest perusing man and what have you done with the person I married? 

A little inspiration. Might as well DIY that new chair for the living room.

My father in law came up over the weekend to meet Annabelle and visit with me, his only favorite daughter in law. I suppose he wanted to see Christopher too. It was a big weekend for AB. She met her grandfather, took her first selfie on his phone, and stayed in the church nursery. 

I did not plan for the nursery part to happen. She was crying during Sunday school so Christopher took her out and I assumed, based on our actions the last 23 weeks, that he was going to walk around with her. HE CAME BACK WITHOUT THE BABY. All he had was a magnetic whale with her name on it that we had to bring back to the nursery when we picked her up. (I’d like to interject that I don’t get the point of the whale. If I lose it in the hallway do I not get my baby back?) I haven’t put her in the nursery longer then five minutes so it was very much of a pull the bandaid off quick situation. I rushed to the nursery the second the class was over and for the second time in 45 minutes, MY CHILD WAS NOT WHERE I THOUGHT SHE WAS. The nursery worker very casually informed me that AB was in the next room over because she “graduated”.  Is it just me or is that a little ridiculous? Annabelle can’t even sit up yet but somehow she’s the only baby who graduated to the room with the big kids who walk, talk, eat Cheerios and are basically going to trample all over her. Now I’m that mother who’s causing a ruckus because her child isn’t with the kids her own age who think their toes are food. This is pretty much how Annabelle looked when I finally rescued her from the hooligans that are toddlers.

At least she wasn’t looking at me like that because I only had on half my makeup.