I went to a tattoo parlor yesterday.
We decided on a whim it would be fun to get matching tattoos of Annabelle’s face on our arms so off we went.
If only it had been that exciting. Christopher wanted to get another tattoo and nothing says family bonding like parading into the tattoo place with a baby in a car seat so we all went. It was a baby free establishment (exactly as I predicted it would be) so AB and I went to the store while Christopher got it done. It’s probably just as well I wasn’t involved. I would have flip-flopped between covering my eyes, moaning in sympathetic pain and inquiring about the cleanliness of the tools. I did take a picture of Christopher and the tattoo guy through the window before I left. I wanted photographic evidence in case any nonsense happened in our absence. It’s a miracle Christopher survived any of his previous tattoo experiences without me there to supervise.
Earlier in the day we went to see Santa. Normally I’d do such things after Thanksgiving but I thought I’d beat the crowds and go early. The rest of the town had the same idea. The line to see Mr. Claus was approximately 954 feet long. We told Annabelle we’d go back another day but half an hour later Mr. Claus was sitting there with no one on his lap so I all but threw her on him. You’d think I actually did throw her for all the crying and screaming. She stopped crying to play with the bell for all of .6 seconds before looking at him and realizing he wasn’t her mother. I think it was the beard that clued her in.

An old man at church this morning asked if my dainty little lady is a girl or boy. Annabelle couldn’t believe it. She said next time she needs to wear a bigger bow so there’s no confusion.

I love that last picture haha. The best!
Okay, you had me with the matching Annabelle face tattoos. I read it and stopped and read it again and then was like, "Well, maybe Sarah is going to make it really tasteful?"
I hope Miss Baby gave that gentleman at church her best, "Girl, please." face.
Haha she is APPALLED that man didn't know that she was a girl. I definitely think you need a bigger bow! Also, that photo with Santa and the bell is so sweet 🙂
So did you end up getting your Tattoo?? Were is it that you guys go to church? I've been looking for a church home here but my lack of knowing any one has me stuck on the couch because I'm that shy quite person. lol
Oh my gosh my heart stopped when I read you were getting a tattoo. You got me!!! That pic of Santa and AB is ADORABLE! I was at the mall this weekend, and it seems they have a new feature where you check in at the Santa station, are given a wait time, and get a text message when it's your turn. How high tech is that? I feel like standing in the line is part of the experience but I bet my opinion on that will change once I have a baby haha!
That's a great Santa! And a really sweet pic. Maybe I should take a bell with me when we go for our Santa pic.
Why are people so stupid?! I would have pulled her bow off and shoved in front of his face while yelling SHE'S A GIRL!!!!!
I hope that last pic is the face that won for the matching tattoos..Is it terrible that I don't take the kids to see santa? We only did it once and that was my MILs idea. AB pulls off a santa pic beautifully though!