Sesame was really excited about the trip. “I’m outside! People are paying attention to me! I’m being held! My life is great!” |
This picture is precious until you realize I’m straddling a pumpkin. Who does that? |
“What are these pumpkins of which you speak? Give me all the hay.” |
Christopher took almost all the pictures while we were at the patch. Normally I don’t post pictures of pickup trucks because boring and also, boring, but I’m trying to encourage his recent interest in randomly pointing the camera in the general vicinity of an object and pushing the button. I’m also trying to encourage him to start a blog but that’s going nowhere fast. |
“Oh great. Another picture with my mother.” |
A brief anecdote-
Lady who owned the pumpkin patch: You’re baby looks so cold! Let me zip up his jacket. Does he have mittens?
Me: Not yet. I still have to get HER some.
Lady: Oh! Look at his bracelet. Isn’t that cute. Does he ever eat it?
Me: No. SHE doesn’t seem to know it’s there.
Lady: Is it for teething? I’ve heard amber bracelets help for teething. Does it help him with that?
Me: SHE drools less when SHE wears it so I’d say it helps some.
Lady: He has such pretty eyes.
Me: (my mouth) Thank you. (my head) Did you not hear the 48 times I said SHE and HER?
Note to self- Never leave the house without the baby wearing a bow, a pink jacket, and a large sign that says —> 100% GIRL <—.
People kill me….she obviously didn't care to listen.
OMG, your conversation with the pumpkin patch owner was so comical!!!
I'm all kinds of impressed that you went to the pumpkin patch. We talked about it about 10,836 times. Then when the time came to go we came to the conclussion that staying in our house would probably be almost the same. We're lame!
I'm surprised more people don't call Alyson a boy. Her fashion taste apple doesn't fall far from mommy's fashion taste tree. I don't know care to admit how many pairs of yoga pants we have in our house between the two of us. And she also has more Star Wars and KU Jayhawk t-shirts than I care to think about. But, then again, we're hermits and rarely leave the house so maybe that explains it!
Is that Christian Way Farms?? Also, you should have started telling that lady how awesome her apple farm was. The apples are just stunning this time of year. When can we come back to pick some more apples?