Random pictures from the night we decorated our tree that have nothing to do with this post.
AB’s Baby’s First Christmas ornament

Since we’re traveling for Christmas this year we celebrated our little family Christmas over the weekend. We started off by walking through the Christmas lights downtown.

Sometimes you ask someone to take a family picture and it causes a traffic jam on either side of you while the photographer attempts to figure out the camera. You end up with a precious picture like this.
The next day we went to see the Christmas decorations at the Opry hotel. I loved the poinsetta tree. It made me ashamed for having difficuly keeping my 3” poinsettias alive and thriving.
Occasionally a stranger does take a good family picture.
Found this cute baby over by the fountain. Wonder who she belongs to.
We did our stockings and let AB open the remaining gifts from the Solier’s Child party. She is FASCINATED by this Minnie Mouse car. She can’t believe we let her live on this earth 8 months without telling her about light up toys.