It snowed yesterday!! Our backs almost broke from all the shoveling.

I can’t believe it’s already February. That means my baby will be one next month. ONE YEAR OLD. How did this happen? Wasn’t she just born eight minutes ago? Wasn’t I just sobbing uncontrollably after my csection? I still haven’t recovered from that experience. Wasn’t I just taking fourteen million pictures of her first bath? Now she’s outgrown her baby tub so she sits in a laundry basket in the big tub and eats the shampoo bottle. Wasn’t I just watching Christopher give her a bottle for the first time? This morning she ate pancakes for breakfast with the appetite of a teenage boy. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE AND HOW CAN I MAKE IT STOP. The only thing keeping me from going into deep, deep depression is planning her birthday party. I almost can’t type the words “birthday party” without hyperventilating. It’s bumblebee themed and naturally she’ll wear her tiara because she’s the queen bee. We’ve mailed an invitation to Prince George but he hasn’t replied yet. We’d be happy to reschedule the party to accommodate any conflicts with his social calendar.
(Brief intermission. I hear some screeching from the crib.)

(Four hours, one lunch, two nursing sessions, a trip to Gap, a stop at Walgreens and I’m back.)
If we can’t have new bows at least we have crowns.

How can she be 1 already?!?! 1st birthdays are so much fun to plan though, can't wait to see it! 🙂
She cannot already be almost 1?! Time needs to slow down.
I love love LOVE that last picture of y'all. And no way is she almost one. No freakin' way.
The month before Alyson turned one was the worst. I'm pretty sure I didn't breathe the whole month. My anxiety was through the roof. You would have thought on the day she turned one I was going to have to turn her over to strangers and never see her again. I fixated completely on soaking up every ounce of her. I made myself nuts! So yeah, I know how you feel.
The only thing that I can say is that I promise what is ahead of you is SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Oh my goodness, having a toddler is crazy and I love almost every second of it. (That maple syrup incindent last night wasn't much fun.) It's sad to see them grow, but you have a lot of fun times ahead. I promise.
How is she almost one?!?!
I love her little crown, its to cute!!!
I agree I really feel like January just flew by and we're already into February how in the world did that happen. Although Im not complaining at all.
Holy moly time flies! She is so cute and I completely support your love for bows and crowns. 🙂