The unthinkable happened! It finally snowed more than 1/4 of a centimeter! Have pigs started to fly?! Is that really 6” that I see?! No one is more beside themselves with joy than Sesame and I. She may have been born in the south but my baby is a good little northerner. She loves the snow.

I want to proclaim from the rooftops that this is the best weather we’ve had all year and we should drink hot chocolate to celebrate! Let’s go shopping while there are no lines, no waiting! I can finally wear my snow boots! Six inches is basically only a heavy dusting!
The rest of the town doesn’t share our enthusiasm. Everything is shut down. School was canceled today because it snowed an additional .5” last night. There are no plows to clear the roads. The
mailman abandoned his motto of “neither snow nor sleet nor rain shall keep me from my job” and hasn’t shown up in days. Fort Campbell has shut down so Christopher hasn’t gone to work all week. THE END OF THE WORLD HAS COME.
A wise man once said, “There is no one as self-righteous as a northerner living in the south when it snow.” How right he is.