Last night we set up the first of our Christmas trees. It has exactly twice the number of decorations as last year. 
We put it up in Sesame’s room. I was all this is so! fun! Best! day! ever! and she fluctuated between excitement and uncertainty. She loves Christmas trees but like most children in a first world country, she’s not used to having trees in her room.

We had planned to pick out our tree tonight but it’s raining so we rescheduled. Every year we have a theme for our fake tree and this year is plaid and deer. I found the deer ornaments at Lowe’s today and let me tell you, I have never been so excited in a home improvement store. They’re perfect.

Our larger than life Jesus has made his yearly appearance. Obviously I remember from previous Christmases that’s he’s huge but every year it cracks me up and I have to take a picture. I have at least three identical pictures. It’s become a Christmas tradition.

Jesus: “I have arrived.”
Mary: “No wonder my back was killing me.”
Joseph: “I don’t know how to handle kids. I’ll just stand in the background with the light.”