The week Annabelle was born, a girl from church came over to visit. She followed me into the bedroom to change the baby’s diaper and asked me what my favorite part was of having a girl. I didn’t answer that it was the chance to bring up Prince George’s future wife or, a church answer at its best, the opportunity to raise a girl for the Lord. I said it was dressing her up. 
That was my answer and I’ve stuck to it.

And so I present my second annual Parade of Christmas Clothes.

She’s smiling because I said either a) we were going to the pet store b) we were going to story time or c) I’d give her a snack if she stood still and smiled. I’m going with C.
She wore her darling smocked stocking dress to see Santa.
It’s the same exact dress and bow she wore on her first Christmas. She was so tiny, toothless and bald! I still can’t get over how cute she was.
Christmas jammies for the win! I want them in my size.
I told her the ornaments on her romper are called baubles. Besides it being adorable to hear her say, it sounds more British. I hear Prince George calls them baubles and you know what they say- as do the royals, so do S and AB.
Of course it’s smocked. Would you expect anything less?