We couldn’t find the fake tree stand and the tree itself was falling apart so we threw it out and got a second real tree for the rest of our ornaments. I love Christmas trees and I love our tradition of having multiple trees, but this year it hasn’t turned out so well. In our last house we had an upstairs and a downstairs living room so we put a tree in each and it worked out perfectly. We only have one living room in this house so we have a trees in opposite corners of the room. We have two trees, two couches, two bookcases, a tv stand and various toys all in the living room. And the living room is far from large. In other words, there’s almost no room for us in our own house. It’s like walking into a furniture filled forest. I’m seriously considering moving a tree to another room because there’s nothing relaxing about all these huge trees. Is it weird to have a large tree in a bathroom? I’m asking for a friend.
Opa sent us a bunch of Christmas cookies and AB took the basket they came in and made it a bed for Baby Belle. She keeps holding the bed up to the tree so her baby can see.

Oh my that photo of her with her baby is precious! 🙂
I'm all about Christmas trees, but that does seem like quite a bit much! 😉
She is too precious!!
Oh goodness, bless your heart!! We got our tree in the house on saturday and the top bent over the side from the ceiling it was so tall. Needless to say I was a bit over the whole tree at that point. Thankfully G took it out side and cut off a good foot, so it looks a little better now. I love sweet AB and her cute little personality. 🙂
I just snorted at your 'furniture filled forest'. I admit my Christmas cheer isn't all decked like normal, partly because I am not drinking wine whilst decorating and partly because I realized that I am the one who has to put away all the Christmas crap and I don't think the newborn is going to be very helpful with that. Only 1 tree in our house this year…
That picture of AB showing the baby the tree is the cutest thing ever. You need to frame that!