Yesterday we took Sesame Pie to a children’s museum to celebrate her birthday weekend. It was a HUGE museum dedicated completely to play. I She was very excited. Her favorite parts were the Sesame Street exhibit (which is interesting because she doesn’t even watch SS), riding the train and playing in the grocery store. Each child got a cart and could pick five items at a time then ring them up at an actual cash register. It was my childhood dreams come true. She headed straight for her favorite foods- a box of cheerios and two gallons of milk. She would have cleared the shelves of all the milk if we let her.

Customer service at this place was really lacking. Not only did I have to put the food on the belt, I had to ring it up myself while the cashier watched. She didn’t even give me my receipt.

In keeping with tradition, Annabelle’s Easter basket was assembled last minute. We gave her a set of Frozen utensils with Elsa’s picture (“But where’s Anna’s picture, Mama?”), a burlap bag with bunny ears, a set of ladybug bows and a new plate. The utensils and plate were necessities but they’re exciting to her.

She was too focused on stepping daintily to smile for the camera. Normally she’d wear a smocked dress but I bought this at the PX over a year ago and have been waiting for it to finally fit. I can’t get over how precious she looked.

In years past we’ve spent holidays at our families or with friends stationed in the same place. We couldn’t do that this year so we spent the day just the three of us. Honestly I wasn’t expecting much out of out the day but it turned out well. The sun was shining for the first time in weeks which felt like a small miracle. We went to church, had a small dinner and took AB’s second birthday pictures at the park. Have I mentioned her birthday is tomorrow? I need to go to bed before I start crying about her getting so old.

She looks so adorable with her own shopping cart.