Friday was our anniversary. Every year I’ve gotten progressively worse at documenting it. I wrote a whole post for our first anniversary and it’s been downhill ever since. I couldn’t even remember what we did last year until I found a tiny blurb about it at the bottom of post. This year I didn’t get around to writing about it until five days later. It may go totally unmentioned next year.
As per the usual/to be expected, Christopher had to work on our anniversary. Autumn and I had been trying to go out for months and the timing finally worked so I spent my anniversary with her instead of my husband. I have a few criteria for going out- I don’t want to stand the whole night, I don’t want to go anywhere very sticky and I want good French fries. Bonus points for a waiter. Basically I want Applebees. I got Ollie’s Trailer Park instead. It was standing room only, the food was subpar and I almost lost my voice from having to shout all evening. Despite the sticky menus I enjoyed the time with Autumn. She’s a good people watcher and that can be hard to find. I need people in my life who don’t think people watching is too nosy.
The groom finally showed up at lunch time on Saturday. Our first stop on the anniversary tour was a visit to Daniel and Erika’s. It was funny to be holding Ivy on the very day her baby shower was supposed to happen. That girl didn’t want to miss out on anything.
Next stop was the church where we were married. I certainly had less wrinkles and more sleep on my wedding day five years ago.
Daniel and Erika got us a night at a hotel as an anniversary gift. We drove to the hotel, ready to begin our childfree getaway. We hit a bump in the road when the man at the desk couldn’t find our reservation. I gave him three different last names it might be under but he kept coming up dry. After 27 texts with Daniel, we discovered we were at the wrong hotel. It was only then we realized no one had actually said the name of the hotel. Erika told me the town it was in and I assumed I knew which one she meant. I assumed wrong. It reminded me of when we got lost driving the 10 minutes between the church and our reception. Christopher went into a convenience store in his uniform to ask for directions and I sat in the car in my wedding dress avoiding all eye contact with strangers. Getting lost is a great way to start off a marriage.

I had visions of sleeping for hours on end but again, I assumed wrong. I was slapped with insomnia and didn’t fall asleep until SIX A.M. I wanted to wake Christopher up to keep me company but I didn’t, even though misery loves company and I was MISERABLE. Nonetheless, the few hours of quiet meals with no one asking for more cheerios or dropping their
cup on the floor (Christopher is so hard to control) were brief but so nice.
The next day we packed all our belongings back into the car and drove home. Christopher was in his car and AB and I were in mine. One of us got to relax in the back watching Frozen on repeat while the other needed qtips to prop her eyes open.
We have five days to recover before hitting the open road again and going to Texas. Both times I’ve been to Texas I’ve gotten a horrid stomach virus so I’m preparing myself to be hit again. If you need me I’ll be over here popping Vitamin C and drinking all the immune system building drinks.
Unrelated picture of Sesame talking to a duck statue. As one does. |
Y'all have been crazy travelers lately. Good luck with your Texas trip. Happy belated anniversary! Such a sweet gift for you too!!
Oh my goodness, your hotel story made me laugh. It reminded me of what happen to you and your mom when you left here and where given the wrong hotel room. Not only have you had horrible luck with traveling to Texas but now to add hotels into the mix. Goodness gracious what what would be next!!
Wow you are traveling all over the place lately!
I can't get over how cute Ivy is!!! Bummer that her shower couldn't go on as planned but I'm so happy you got to meet her instead!