A few days after Sesame’s birthday we switched her to a big girl bed.
Christopher had been campaigning to get her out of the crib for months but I objected. She slept so well in her crib. We didn’t need the crib for anyone else. I liked having her contained. She wasn’t in middle school yet. Christopher won out and she was SO excited. I wasn’t quite so excited when she woke up and called for me 7 times that night. At one point her feet were hanging off the edge so she thought she was falling off.
Don’t be deceived by how sweet she looks here.

She does so well staying in bed during naptime but at night it’s a totally different situation. She enjoys thinking she has free range of her room. I disagree.

In other big news in her life, she got her first car. They have these little cars at MDO and she loves them. One of the teachers must call them Flintstones cars because ever since she started there in September she has told me she wanted Flintstones car.

She named the car Cheery the Cherry. Or Cheery Cherry. Or Cherry the Flintstone.

We’ll wait until she decides on a name before ordering a vanity plate.
I am a fan of anyone who names their car.
You should name her bed "Don't Get Out Of This Until Morning."