Many many years ago I held a week old little boy and fell in deep love with him. We attended the same church and were joint at the hip every Sunday and any visits in between. Every person who knows us both knows we were, to use Noah’s words, “best buds.” At one point he said he wanted to marry me but couldn’t do the wedding on Saturday as he had to be at karate. We planned a Friday wedding instead. Taking my own offspring out of the picture, I never loved a child more.
He wrote me a collection of “love letters” which I saved and have no intention of ever throwing away.
“I think I’ll follow you for the rest of my life.”
Dear sarah I love you so much. I hope you had a grat thanksgiving i love you. from: Noah
to: sarah I love you
All that to say- I saw him on Sunday and he is a giant.

Uncle Ronnie has an extremely busy social schedule but he managed to squeeze in a Dunkin Donuts date with us. It really confused people when I first started calling Aaron by the name Ronnie. It seemed an obvious nickname to me.

When I read Uncle Ronnie I thought, "Is there a sibling I don't know about?!" Ha! I love that you went to DD though. Did anyone get a free magnet?
It's always so bizarre when kids you knew as babies grow up. I still can't believe my "little" cousins who I held when they were born are getting married and having kids these days.
That last picture is the best!