* Autumn has always been my friend who can have any hair color or wear quirky fashions and always look good. I sent her and Joanna a picture of a shirt I found in a consignment shop that screamed her name. It had pictures of doughnuts, popcorn, hotdogs and soda cans and in general would look stupid on me. Autumn could wear it and look cute.

I got this response-

She was wearing the same exact shirt as we spoke. It made me laugh so hard.
* Annabelle is such a good little traveler. We have our travel routine and she knows what to expect. The first half of the drive she can listen to stories, read or play. After lunch she gets her Memere blankie, Mr. Lion and a show before her nap.

I hope the good travel luck sticks because we’re traveling again this week and next and I can’t be dealing with germs and/or meltdowns.
* Annabelle told her first joke this week. “Mama! Guess what?” “What?” “JEALOUSY!!!!!” Then she laughed at her own weird humor for a good five minutes. I hope she doesn’t quit her day job and become a comedian.
* Sesame wanted me to hold her tiny bunny in my shirt while she took a nap. I forgot it was there until I lay on the couch. I even answered the door with it sticking out of my shirt.

* During a recent spell of spring cleaning I went through my hair, skin and makeup product graveyard. I had enough tubes of peach lipstick and palettes of teal eye shadow to start my own beauty store. For someone who can’t put on fake eyelashes to save my life I sure had a lot of them. Annabelle wanted to help by squeezing all the bottles and trying the lotions. Please note her outfit. She found leg warmers in her drawer and my socks in the laundry basket.

She must take after Autumn.
Oh my gosh, I am dying that Autumn had that exact shirt! That's amazing.