One of my big goals of motherhood is to pass on my love of all things holiday to Annabelle. I must be succeeding because for days she would ask if it was almost “America day and parade day.” She could not wait for me to get out the box of patriotic decorations and set up her own “America party.” Why use one flag when you can use 12 of varying sizes? Leaving the tags on the little containers really added to the charm of the party.

We went to the same parade as last year. It’s not great as far as parades go but Sesame thinks it’s great. She doesn’t know parades are supposed to have floats and not be 85% firetrucks and politicians. All she cares about is getting candy and seeing firemen.

Oh, the firemen! She kept asking when the parade would start so she could see them. She jumped up and down with joy when they went by. She lost her little mind when one gave her candy. Much like her mother she appreciates a man in uniform.

Our plan for the day was to have our friends over for a cookout after the parade. Unfortunately they had a death in the family so they had to cancel. Instead we hung out in the front yard while Christopher grilled and AB and I played with water balloons and water guns. We baked cookies and guaranteed that we’ll never appear on The Great British Bakeoff or any Food Network shows. It looks like a toddler made them. Oh wait. ONE DID.

We planned on seeing fireworks but stayed home when I read they didn’t start until 9:30 and we’re apparently very old and also have a child who insists on waking up early. She does not believe in the freedom to sleep in until 8 o’clock.
I don't understand why there isn't a kid-friendly fireworks show that starts earlier. All of them here started at 10. That's late for ME, let alone a toddler!
She looks so happy in that picture! I love it!