Mom and Elizabeth have been visiting for the last week. They’ve been here many times so we no longer have the urge to show them all the local sites. Don’t get the idea there we have many local attractions of interest. We have a few attractions worth noting, a number of playgrounds and a pet store. Mom is always able to find every historical site no matter the city and she learned about a nearby fort built in 1726. It served an a military base used by several different countries until 1963.
I knew we’d be doing a lot of walking so AB kindly lent me her most compact yet fashionable backpack.
Even though Annabelle is only 3 I occasionally like taking her to attractions that aren’t child geared. I explained the museum and some of the artifacts to her and she understood quite a bit. She really latched onto the fact that soldiers used to live there. She told Elizabeth “the soldiers were so handsome.” She picked up a phone, put it to her ear and said she was calling “her soldiers.” She comes by this attraction naturally. It’s in our DNA.
I’ve been to many a fort in my life and this was easily the best. The rooms were set up similar to back in the day and almost the entire thing could be walked through/touched/sat on. In front of the window was a table and two chairs. Annabelle sat down and demanded I “pretend eat pancakes” with her while Grammy was our waitress.
Elizabeth was poking around and found these hidden in a chest in the guard house. The pink feather boa and Libman dustpan are most certainly genuine artifacts of the 2010’s.
We had a picnic supper near the fort. I took 25 pictures of the sunset. Sesame, as she always does, made herself at home in the sand and would have stayed for hours. She’d sit in the middle of the highway to play with sand and dirt.
We stopped by the falls on the way home to see them lit up.
Before we left I brought AB to the potty. I touched her face and said “you have a messy face from your crackers.” She looked at me for a minute, touched my face and said “You have a weird face.” She’s so good for my self esteem! I wished she had compared me to the beautiful lights instead.
Love that she said the soldiers were handsome!! 🙂 The falls look beautiful!!
The falls look amazing, what a fun time!