* Yesterday Annabelle and I had a picnic at the playground/splash pad. It was in the mid 80’s so we took advantage of the sun and brought her bathing suit and sand toys. The sign in the bathroom door said the splash pad would be closing for the season on August 31st but the water is still on. Naturally after all the effort of locating a bathing suit she was more interested in playing in the mud outside the splash pad than actually splashing in it. The drain in the splash pad wasn’t working which meant there was about 5” of standing water. This bothered exactly zero children but cranky Steve from the parks department was furious. He stood in the puddle complaining about lazy Shane who should have taken care of the drain last week. By then AB wanted to splash but she didn’t want to be near Cranky Steve. Finally lazy Shane showed up, not with tools to fix the drain but a leaf blower. He blew all the water away, as one does with a leaf blower. Lazy Shane knows how to get a job done after all.
* We watched Wonder Woman this week. It was fine. I didn’t love it but it was entertaining. I’ve heard many people say they prefer their daughters watching Wonder Woman over princess movies because it’s “more realistic.” How is she any more realistic than Cinderella or Belle? I have never once in my life broken through a window with a shield and if I had, my hair for sure wouldn’t still look good.
You can't beat taking advantage of the warm weather!
Oh my goodness, kids have NO filter hahaha
I have never been able to run in wedges… nor have I ever lost a heel like Cinderella and not completely twisted my ankle because of it