I been recovering from Sunday for the last two days and totally forgot about my little memories post for September.

Sunday we went to church as usual. Generally AB goes to her Sunday school and we go to ours, but this week Christopher went to new members meeting and I went to a new volunteers meeting. We did the dreaded “go around the room and say your name, etc” ice breaker game which I hate. It makes me sweat and forget simple things like my name or my favorite movie. In the evening we went to a going away party for a family from MOPS. I reconnected with a friend who’s husband is stationed at Fort Drum and had so much fun comparing notes on our favorite parts of the post and the who’s who of the FRG. After that we went to a Bible study with church friends. For those doing the math at home, that’s three social events in one day. We were peopled out.

I LOVE people. I love knowing everyone’s birthdays, hobbies and the names of all their family members. I love hearing about their friends and what they like to do. I remember it all and it truly brings me joy. The problem is when I’m forced to interact with a hundred people in one day and be friendly and smiley to everyone. Sometimes it is very difficult to be me.

* We’ve been working on Annabelle writing the letter A. She could do it for a while but she’s gotten lazy and it ends up being an H. Christopher said he’d help her and I think he might have thought he could work a miracle in her penmanship. It still looks like an H but they were so cute together.

* We went on a special family date for milkshakes. It was a Big Deal.

* This isn’t one of my better photos, but I love it anyway. We brought the castle out to the Hundred Acre Woods and played camping princess and ate popsicles. Fun was had by all until the smallest princess bailed in favor of playing “the camping game wif showers and dryers and scrubbers.”  The bigger princess was not a fan of that game.

* Overall I’m not a huge fan of our town. It’s fine, but I wouldn’t cry a river if we were told to leave tomorrow. In my top two favorite places in town are the flower shop and the gas station with free car vacuums. I consider those the highlights. We do have some pretty walking trails and sometimes views like this make me think it’s isn’t so bad here. 

 * Annabelle is skeptical about my efforts to take more pictures together. 

 * I had to run out to Payless on Saturday night to buy AB new church shoes. The first thing she said when I showed her was, “Wow! Those are so fabulous!” The instant she woke up the next morning she said, “Where are my fabulous shoes? Don’t forget to put them on me! They’re fabulous!” That night I went in to check on her and she had gotten her church socks and the fabulous shoes out of the drawer and fallen asleep with them on.