I’m sure these yearly posts (2014, 2015, 2016) of Sesame’s clothes are a snoozefest to most but I can’t stop, won’t stop until she protests. Even then I might not stop. Those who don’t enjoy smocked dresses or curly hair need not continue reading.
I bought this snowman outfit from a blog friend two years ago and it was dress length. I’m pretty sure this was the last year it will fit her.

I only bought two new Christmas outfits this year, one of which was this smocked tree outfit. It came with the cutest ruffly red pants that are too big and kept sliding off her bum, revealing to all the world that she still wears diapers. Apparently cute is more important to me than modesty because she wore it to church anyway.

This is the other new outfit I bought. It’s a real shame she wasn’t more excited about it.

I think we might get one more Christmas out of my favorite red dress. I bought it when I was pregnant and didn’t know the gender of the baby. It was too cute to pass up so I got it just in case I had a girl. I though the baby was a boy because I have no mother’s intuition. I’m not one bit sorry I was wrong.

Trip down the Red Christmas Dress memory lane.

I think she has the world's best Christmas wardrobe.
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! and I loved that Snowman dress on Lilly too! Precious!