I’m not sure I made a list of resolutions on January 1st, 2016 but I don’t want to check. If I did write any down I doubt I accomplished it. Generally I don’t make resolutions because I feel like it’s setting myself up for failure and I’d rather not disappoint myself.
This year I’m keeping things simple by making a list of what I feel are very achievable goals.
1. Rewatch Parenthood. Achievable since it’s next on my re-watch rotation.
2. Plant a garden. Since I do this every year it’s almost silly to mention, but I wasn’t pleased with last years garden and I want to research a little more this year.
3. Earn a minimum of 5 free drinks with the Dunkin Donuts app. I’m sure I’ll earn more but again, LOW BAR LIFESTYLE.
4. Buy another phone charger. It will be a real delight to have an upstairs AND downstairs charger.
5. Lose 5lbs. This is probably the most unreachable of my goals since I haven’t lost weight since 2014 but one can only hope. Ideally I’ll lose 10 but that might be pushing it.
6. Read the Little House series to AB. I wasn’t sure if she’s too young, but we started the first book a few weeks ago and she’s enjoying it.
7. Attempt to take more naps.
8. Eat more cookies. Counter productive to goal 5 but we only live once.
9. Get a library card as soon as we get to our new house.
10. Not move houses again. I don’t want to pack a single box or sign another medical release records form.
My mom and I had this same conversation a few days ago — why set resolutions just to break them when you could skip a step and not set any at all? LOL! I did set a few though but they are also low bar. I am definitely adding the DD one though. That's pure brilliance. I hope your new house is very close to a Dunkin!
What other shows are on your re-watch rotation? It's time for me to find another show!
Goals are better than resolutions for sure. These are definitely attainable ones.