I don’t even know where to start. My brain is mush.
* We’re still unpacking like crazy but there’s a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. My craft room is the catch-all room for everything that doesn’t have a home and it won’t be unpacked until July of 2022 but other than that things are sloooowly coming together. 
* I had been really proud of myself for getting around town without the gps and without getting lost. Pride cometh before a trip to the Walmart 15 minutes away turns into a 45-minute excursion. I was at the end of my rope. I wanted to turn the car around and find a town where I knew all the roads and the location of all the Dunkin Donuts. My fellow passenger wasn’t any help. She kept up a steady stream of questions such as “Why do we have toes? Why do we have toes? How do fish clean themselves? Do you know where Walmart is? Maybe you should use the map next time.”
* Every Saturday Christopher and Annabelle go out for Daddy Daughter Breakfast. Before we moved they rotated between a small diner and Denny’s. At Denny’s they always had the same elderly waitress named Ann. Week after week they’d visit as she served their pancakes and bacon. Ann even started giving Annabelle small gifts. On one of their last weeks, Ann gave Annabelle an official Denny’s nametag. They promised to write each other letters. I wasn’t sure if Ann would really send AB anything, but the week after we arrived she sent a Valentines card. It was so sweet and unexpected I almost cried. 
 * The other day we were outside looking for ants. Mike Peedro the neighbor wandered over in his bathrobe for a chat. He is unemployed/on parole and taking one of his many smoking breaks. He wanted to know if he could use the hose in our front yard. I said he was welcome to it and wrongly assumed that would be the end of our visit. He asked how I liked the weather. He asked if I had seen any salamanders yet. He asked how I felt about bugs. He wondered if I had ever lived in the south before. I was getting the feeling he thinks I’m a whimpy notherner who came from the big city and knows how to hail a cab but is afraid of everything that moves. I wanted to change the topic so I mentioned the frog incident. I don’t know why. I should have mentioned literally anything else. Annabelle piped up that I hate frogs and screamed when I saw it. Sometimes the peanut gallery says too much. And just like that she confirmed his whimpy northerner suspicions. I AM NOT WHIMPY I JUST DON’T LIKE FROGS. 

* Speaking of neighbors, I went for a walk and saw this down the street. Nothing on this land is worth a life. Just say “no trespassing.” If you want to shot someone for trespassing there’s no reason to sugarcoat it. 
At least the donkeys are friendly and charming. 
* Christopher and Sesame went to a Daddy Daughter dance this afternoon. We were going to go dress shopping but she said she wanted to wear her A dress. She was too excited this afternoon she wouldn’t be quiet at rest time. I did her hair, pretend to put makeup on her cheeks and let her use my special lotion. Two minutes before leaving time she said she wanted to switch to her tutu dress. We nixed that idea. She looked at Christopher with such adoration while he got ready. When she got back she was so excited to tell me about it. The first thing she said was, “There’s anudder daddy daughter dance next week, I mean I mean, next year and Daddy said we can go again!”