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Eating: Toast topped with a piece of prosciutto, a fried egg
and a dash of parmesan cheese. It’s a huge step up from my typical breakfast of
oatmeal or cheerios.

Drinking: pool water ice coffee. The barista always forgets to put in extra cream but I shouldn’t complain. At least she hasn’t given me a cup with bugs in it this time.

Playing: Chutes and Ladders. I don’t mind most children’s
games but I wouldn’t be sad if this one died and never came back to life. Just
when one of us has finally made it to square 97 we get sent back to the
beginning. It’s never ending circle of torture.

The Light Between Oceans, Where There’s Hope and
Waiting for Birdy. The higher than normal number of books is directly
correlated to my efforts to spend less time on the computer. Back in ye olden
days of dial up internet and house phones I read all the time and I want to get back to that.

I could not put down The Light Between Oceans. It was
mesmerizing. When I finished I had a lot of
feelings about the fictional characters. I was very invested in their lives. I
seldom read two books about missing children at the same time, but I recently saw that
Elizabeth Smart wrote a new book. I have so much respect for her.
I don’t know if I could experience what she did and still live a normal and
fulfilling life. Waiting for Birdy has been some good comedic relief after
the previous two books. I agree with so much of what she says I swear she’s been in my brain.

Having feelings and opinions about: the upcoming royal
wedding (what else is new?). Yesterday I gave in impassioned
speech to my captive audience. He could not have cared less. He
doesn’t think the powers that be need my advice about the wedding which is a
shame because I have a lot of thoughts. He didn’t think my idea of sending them a nice set of beach towels for their tropical honeymoon was a good idea. I don’t know why I bother discussing these things with him.

Sad about: the passing of Barbara Bush. I’ve loved her for years. I spent several years corresponding with Barbara and George and they even sent us a letter when we got married. I am in deep mourning.
Disagreeing about: Spider-Man and super hero movies. Often
when C and I watch the same movie we see very different things. More
specifically, I notice 10% of what he does. I don’t want to work hard and
figure out detailed plotlines when I watch a movie. I want to be entertained
and not have to put on my FBI hat. I want words on the screen that says where
they are. Don’t make me guess if it’s Bangkok or Tokyo. We had a lengthy
discussion about an opening scene in Spiderman which I claimed was not clear
enough but Christopher insisted could not have been clearer. We had another
disagreement over whether or not aliens had been in a Avengers previous movie.
Christopher insisted they were but said he didn’t know when the movie came out.
I replied that the movie came out in 2012 when we were at Fort Lee. We rode to
the movie theater on the motorcycle, had to sit in the middle of a loud group
of superhero nerds and the fight scene went on so long I always walked out. He couldn’t believe I
remembered all that but forgot the aliens. I can’t believe I’ve somehow gotten so into superhero movies. I don’t even know myself anymore.

Discovering: our neighbors new pet, Twiggy. Twiggy is a
squirrel rescued during a storm last year. I’ve seen him hanging out in a cage
and I’m no vet but I’m pretty sure he has rabies. The parents, five daughters, one
uncle, one random friend, one hamster and four dogs all live under one roof. Personally, I wouldn’t add a squirrel to the mix. 

Buying: a new llama air freshener for the car. I bought it at a little gift shop in town where I showed great restraint in not buying everything. The cashier asked if I wanted it wrapped and I said no. Then I changed my mind and said yes. My new thing is to always take advantage of free wrapping even if I’m buying something for myself. I love pretty things and it’s an easy way to make myself happy. The girl said she could fill out a gift tag for me then asked who the gift was for. I didn’t want to say I was having her waste paper on me so I said it was for a friend. (I’m trying to be my own friend.) Then she said. “Do you want me to fill out the tag or…” I froze. I didn’t want to tell her it was to Sarah, from Sarah. I almost said it was for Samantha. I don’t know a Samantha. I told her I’d do it later. She kept asking follow up questions and I got more and more uncomfortable that she was spending 8 minutes wrapping and curling ribbon on AIR FRESHENERS I was going to use myself. Then I couldn’t leave the store because I was pushing the wrong door. I should not take myself anywhere. After all that it doesn’t even smell nice. It’s sort of musky with a side of floral. You could say it smells like llamas in a field of roses.