I’m writing this while sitting next to Annabelle who is coloring. We’ll see how well this goes.
I can’t believe it’s almost September. Time has simultaneously been going by at a snail’s pace and warp speed. Whenever I mention it to Christopher he makes a comment along the lines of “That’s how time goes.” This is why I text my girl friends about my feelings. They always sympathize.
“Mom! How did they write in history?”
September has always been one of my favorite months. I wanted to get married in September. I’d like a child with a September birthday but that would mean being pregnant in the summer and just the thought of it makes me want to curl up and die. September has always meant Indian summer and warm breezes which I love. I don’t expect September to be much different than our current heat suffocation but I can hope. I’m so ready for it to cool down so we can play outside. Our yard is 95% in the sun and the 5% that is shaded is near the mosquito-infested woods. We go stir crazy being inside all the time. We can visit the outdoor playgrounds very early in the morning or go to the indoor playground but that gets old quickly.
“Mom! What’s that kind of rope thing that hangs high up that we used to have in New York? What’s that thing called?”
Yesterday at pickup AB’s teacher pulled me aside and said she hasn’t been listening well during the paperwork portion of their day. I was mortified. Barely three weeks in and the teacher had something negative to say. We’ve never gotten complaints about her behavior from Sunday school or MDO. I’m sure it’s mostly an issue of her adjusting to school and learning what’s expected, but either way we had a discussion about it. Right now she’s coloring apology pictures for her teacher. She asked me to write the following story on the back.
I’m shocked they didn’t tell me she was talking too much.
“Mama!!! Where’s the cover for the orange? The orange marker. That’s the one I’m using. What happened to the cover?”
I have a new love that I’m almost too embarrassed to admit. I’ve been listening to a car/mechanic podcast. It’s so unlike me. I can appreciate an old car but I could not care less about modern cars. I’m terrible at explaining things to the mechanic. I don’t care about horsepower or torque but give me Click and Clack the car guys and suddenly I’m all in. ALL IN. I cannot get enough. They’re from Massachusetts and I remember hearing them back in the day but I have been reeled in hook, line, and sinker. I cannot explain my current fascination. Lucky for me, they have episodes dating back to 1987 so I have literally thousands of hours to look forward to. Here’s what I have to look forward to on this weeks episode:
It’s fuel for the commutes back and forth to school. So far it hasn’t exhausted me. If I get bored I can always switch gears and listen to other podcasts.
I don't blame Annabelle for not paying attention during "paperwork" – sounds like a drag 🙂
Did you find the orange cap??? LOL
Hopefully she settles in and she adjusts. It's hard for kiddos.
You've never steered (haha get it?) me wrong with a podcast recommendation, so I might have to try this one.
She may not be perfect all the time at school, but I bet she excels during imagination time!