Now that we’re a few weeks from Thanksgiving it seems like time to briefly recap the end of October.
Last week we went to the fair with friends.

AB’s friend Grayson drove her around on the bumper cars. They held hands as they waited in line. When they got in their car, she put her hand on his head and tried to turn it in the direction she wanted to go. There was crashing left and right, but Annabelle was unphased. She continued to point to where she wanted to go while loudly telling him what to do. He paid no attention to her. They looked like an old married couple.

The next night we went trick or treating with a group from church. I very much dislike halloween and would be fine if the whole thing went up in flames, but I do love seeing babies in costumes and Annabelle was very excited about dressing up. Several of her little friends were having a get-together and the parents kindly invited us.
Contrary to how she looks, she was not a Target employee. She dressed as Annie from The Magic Treehouse books. It was the easiest costume to put together. It doesn’t look like I put any effort into it whatsoever, but I was told a dozen times that Annie wears a red shirt and jeans so that’s what I got from the clearance racks at Walmart boutique.

Grayson dressed as Annie’s brother, Jack. Those two are stuck together like glue. If you think I haven’t started planning their wedding you haven’t been around here long enough.

Of course, Prince George is our first choice, but in case he doesn’t work out Grayson is a great substitute.
HAHA – I've sadly gone into Target looking like a Target employee way too often.
That face in the bumper car – that is what pure joy looks like!
I CANNOT handle how big she is getting! I feel like she was just born!
Awwwwww – besties for life