* I’m not up on local news, so I was confused when I got to work on Friday night and the boss said for us to keep the door locked at all times and leave as soon as the class was done. We weren’t to take time to clean up. She said maybe we should park our cars right in front of the studio so we wouldn’t have to walk across the parking lot in the dark. I asked what on earth was happening and she said: “There’s supposed to be a big gang shoot-out tonight so we have to take extra precautions.”
That is not what I expected her to say.
A handful of people downtown had been shot in recent days and rumor had it that a family member of one gang was killed and the other gang was blamed for it. Whether or not that’s true, that was the story in our part of town and the police were on high alert. I’m no seasoned gang member, but it seems to me that a shoot-out wouldn’t be a scheduled event. I highly doubt that one gang delivers an elegantly scripted invitation on decorative paper, but what do I know?
This isn’t my first go-round being near gun violence since my marriage. Several years ago I made a midnight escape to Jenn’s house when someone was shot in our apartment complex and the shooter spent several days on the loose. It was during that time I learned the Clarksville 911 had business hours and wasn’t a 24/7 operation. I need to stop living in crime areas. When I got home from the lock downed studio, all the doors to my house were unlocked, all the blinds were open, the lights were on and Christopher and AB were both asleep. They might as well have left an “open house, free for all” sign on the front door.
* When Elizabeth was visiting, we went to the Y for a zumba class. They changed the class times without updating the schedule, so when we got there we walked into a strength training class instead of zumba. We decided to stay because it seemed like a waste of workout clothes if we didn’t. Who am I kidding. I wear workout clothes without working out 75% of the time. I have no upper body strength and I think that was obvious to everyone in the class. A few ladies helped us get the correct equipment and told Elizabeth which heavier weights she should start with. One of the ladies looked at my arms, up at my face and said, “You’d better stick with the lightest weights.” Thank you, Brenda! What a confidence booster! She wasn’t wrong, but nobody likes to be told their arms are too flabby to do much. The weight on both ends of my bar equaled a grand total of 5.5lbs. Try not to be too impressed. After 45 minutes, I had done more squats and half pushups than in the entirety of my life up to that point. My legs were jello and my arms weren’t much better. I couldn’t pick up my water bottle without shaking. For one exercise we had to go from laying on the bench to standing up and back to laying down while staying as straight as possible. I got stuck while trying to stand up and my legs were waving in the air like a turtle stuck on it’s back. Just call me Grace.

* For the last two years I attended a Bible study on and off. The leader disbanded the group this year and sent us all letters thanking us for being in the group. She said a few nice things about me then wrote, “…seeing glimpses of your occasional wit.” OCCASIONAL wit? Frankly, I’m slightly offended. It’s evident she hasn’t read my Pulitzer winning, rarely updated, broken record blog chronicling potty training and trips to Walgreens.
* In the latest installment of Sarah’s Rocky Relationship with Superhero Movies, we’re watching the 558th Marvel DC Comics Star Trek Ghost Busters Avengers movie.
Me: What’s happening? What’s he doing?
Christopher: They predicted this would happen in the fifth movie.
Me: When did that come out?
Christopher: 2012.
Me: How am I supposed to remember what happened in a movie seven years ago? Who’s that weird person? Why haven’t we seen her before?
Christopher: We saw her in the Dr. Strange movie.
Me: I never saw that one.
Christopher: Yes you did.
Me: Why is Black Widow showing up again!? I still don’t understand why she’s in these movies.
Christopher: She’s not a bad character so you don’t have to dislike her so much.
Me: It’s just a movie so it doesn’t really matter. I don’t really care what happens. Well for Pete’s sake, why are they doing that? It would be a lot easier if they dealt with that guy two hours ago when they had the chance!
Christopher: They’re going back in time to resurrect the stone.
Me: How do you know?
Christopher: Contextual clues and they hinted at this in the last Avengers movie.
Me: I didn’t see any contextual clues. Why can’t they put subtitles explaining what’s happening? Disney has enough money for that.
Christopher: Disney doesn’t make these movies. Did you read the link I sent you explaining all the storylines and characters?
It’s always relaxing watching these movies.
I hope if I stick to the strength class I’ll be able to give Thor a run for his money. Here’s hoping that hammer doesn’t weigh more than 5.5lbs.

OH MY GOSH… I am cracking up at the "occassional" wit.. & the weights given to you. Though, I will say, I too can do a workout with a TOTAL of 5 lbs weights & feel like I've been duped & they were really 50 lbs weights.
I used to go to high school downtown & there were always gang fights going on so they used to CHAIN the doors closed… how unsafe is that??? That wouldnt fly today… its no wonder they moved my high school from downtown to a snooty upper side of town now. Kids today – dont know how rough we had it 😉 LOL
You should write a book. Yes,I'm serious. I'm your mother. I should know.❤❣❣❣
You should write a book. Yes,I'm serious. I'm your mother. I should know.❤❣❣❣
#1 – Be safe!
#2 – I always pick the lightest weights for those workout classes because you know you're going to be dying halfway through. Pride be damned!
That conversation between you and CA is EXACTLY true to life. It's basically a transcript of your sofa talk.
Additionally, he will never be able to adequately explain why superheroes need to take a tunnel through the galaxy to leap through time warps to get a stone they could have gotten from a geological sight in California.