Happy Tuesday! Last night I made Christopher have a conversation about jelly flavors if you’re wondering the level of intellectual conversation I bring to the table.
Last week we made a quick trip up to Christopher’s parents. I have very few photos from the weekend, but I do have documentation of the most monumental moment of the trip: AB finally learned to pull her own luggage. Seventy-five percent of what we bring onboard is hers so it’s about time she starts pulling her own weight around here.
We had a nice time visiting with the family and AB had so much fun she told me multiple times she wished she could live with Oma and Opa. She ate chocolate, jumped on the trampoline in a fairy costume and walked the dog. It was her dream vacation.

On Monday we dropped Christopher off at the Columbus airport and drove to Michelle’s for a very quick visit. The drive to her house was BEAUTIFUL. Maybe one of our moves should be to Ohio where the roads are windy and the trees and fields perfection. We hadn’t seen each other in over two years which is two years too long. She’s one of the best gifts the internet has given me. Annabelle gave Gracie the side-eye for a few minutes but soon they were off digging in the dirt and “picking poisonous berries.” Every other time I’ve traveled to Ohio something has gone wrong and I REALLY didn’t want the catastrophe of this trip to be that my child generously shared berries with Gracie that ended up killing her. I don’t think they were poisonous, but I shut down the berry business just in case. They played so sweetly together. I so wish we lived 16 minutes instead of 16 hours apart.

Michelle wasn’t feeling well the whole time and I felt bad taking over a corner of her couch and talking her ear off, but I’m SO GLAD we got to visit. We had the best time. We watched Dancing with the Stars and laughed like I haven’t laughed in so long. We didn’t get a picture together, but I did find this paparazzi shot of us with Sean Spicer, the former White House Communications Director, after his DWTS debut. Not everyone can pull off a sequined pineapple top but Michelle can and that’s a quality I always look for in a friend.
(I will require that Michelle and I both use this photo as our 2019 Christmas cards. I spent four Peppa Pig episodes and delayed snacktime twice while creating this masterpiece using my limited photoshop skilz.) |
I agree with you about the beautiful drive, aren't the farms, fields, old houses, and barns in the Mid-West beautiful?? I love living in Indiana!
OH MY GOSHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!
That Sean Spicer pic!! My morning is made!!! 🙂
I AM SO GLAD YOU CAME. I am so glad you didn’t mind keeping me company while I was pitiful on the couch. I’m so glad our girls got along so well (Gracie keeps asking for AB to come back). And I’m very grateful for your photoshop skills, because I have stared at that photo laughing ever since you sent it. Tv is never as much fun without you!
Omg look at that cute lil suitcase 🙂