I currently have both apple butter and pot roast cooking in my kitchen. If ever there is a time I feel like Betty Crocker, it’s when I have pots bubbling on the stove.
Suddenly it’s December 5th. I’m not sure how that happened but here we are. I’ve been getting snail mail and emails saying “Last minute deals for your last-minute gifts!” in a very bold and panicked font. It’s 20 days until Christmas. I don’t consider that last minute. I’m never in a rush to finish shopping by December 1st. I spend all year making notes and gearing up for the gift-giving season. I consider birthday gifts throughout the year to be warm-up for the Iron Man marathon of Christmas time. I live for this time of year. Don’t be telling me I have mere minutes to wrap up my shopping!
I finished up my Christmas cards last night. I plan out the card in my head for several months and spend many an afternoon perfecting it. This year’s card is not my shining glory. It’s fine but I could have made it better. Christopher and Elizabeth both told me it’s good but my inner perfectionist was screaming it was borderline boring and blah.

Speaking of Christmas and winter, while my family up north are shoveling snow off their cars, we FINALLY have enough leaves to jump in. AB insisted upon bringing her wooden chair out and jumping off it into the leaves.

When you can’t make snow angels you make leaf angels.

Miss Iron Man, could you please come do my Xmas shopping? I don't know where the time has gone but I know that I don't have enough of it!
Jumping into leaves was a highlight of my year growing up…. & then the tangles in my hair from my parents having to get them out. Yikes.
Your mantle & tree… that looks like a stock photo!!!
I just side eye all the people who are finished Christmas shopping by Black Friday. what's wrong with those people???
The tree looks beautiful! Lucy climbs the tree because she likes it. Every tree for years will need to have the Lucy-Linus seal of approval! That's how you'll know you picked a goodie–right out of the closet though it may be.
You are the best gift-giver around. =D