I think we can all agree that we’re living in less than ideal times. It’s only a matter of weeks before I write a list of coronavirus grievances, but today I’m looking on the bright side of our current life.
+ Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show: At Home Edition. These episodes never fail to make me smile. His wife seems sweet and his girls are so fun to watch. His house is a cross between a treehouse and an old persons house which is not at all what I pictured. JF, if you’re reading this I have some questions about your decor. Have your people send my people an email.
+ The memes have been spectacular.

+ John Krasinski’s Some Good News show. This is PERFECT when everything seems like it’s falling apart and you need a little pick me up. Everything he shows are positives coming from the virus and I love it. Years ago I tried to start a newspaper with the same theme called The Sunshine Times. It never took off because no one besides my mother subscribed. I’m sure the fact that the printer never worked was not a factor.
+ The royal family released a video of George, Charlotte and Louis clapping for health care workers. I watched it several times and showed Christopher. I should know better than to discuss the royals with him but I try anyway. Hope springs eternal. He glanced at it and said, “It’s just a video of kids clapping, right? Am I missing something?” This is who I have to be quarantined with! He has no appreciation for the finer things in life.
+ The Getty Art Museum put out a challenge to recreate famous paintings using items from around the house. We’re going to pick some paintings to do this week.
+ We’ve been able to take so many walks. We’re getting stir crazy so as COO of this house I instated morning walks before school as well as our evening walk with Christopher. We’re in the itty bitty sweet spot that is lovely weather before the gnats and stupid heat hit. Last year I said many a prayer asking God to take care of the gnat problem and there were less gnats. Had I known about the dumpster fire this year would be I would have started the 2020 gnat prayers on January 1st.
+ I love seeing how people are banding together to help each other and pass the time. Several neighborhoods have put bears in their windows/yards for kids to find on a ”bear hunt.” We put two in our windows and this week we’re going to put easter egg pictures up.
+ Engineers in Italy figured out how to make ventilators using 3D printers and snorkel masks. God bless the Italians.
+ If nothing else, I can now spell quarantine without spellcheck.
+ Finally, I spent half the night and most of the morning writing a song that I believe will be topping the charts in no time. It is an ode to our current life.
There is a Virus
And everyone wants masks.
Because the people are going crazy
So we are all alone
He who shall not be named but whose name rhymes with Shmistopher said it “has a lot of syllables.” Being a hit composer is hard. There’s so much negativity.
LOL way too hard about the Royals clapping… I was the same way but Ricky would say the same thing- so what? its kids clapping. NO ITS NOT – that's DIANA'S GRANDCHILDREN CLAPPING!!!!!
I have found it interesting to see so many celebrities homes on these skype/zoom/whatever things… some of them, I'm like, I was expecting so much more.