We’ve been having some busy times these last few days.
Oma came to visit for several days and we spent the weekend in Atlanta. I decided that going up to Atlanta is too much of a hassle. At a minimum, it’s three hours away but once you factor in bathroom breaks and traffic it feels like six hours. Not to mention a child who generally does well in the car but gets antsy after a few hours and asks for gas station snacks.
We went up specifically to visit with Christopher’s great-grandmother. We had breakfast with her on Saturday then went to an indoor play place for a few hours. Annabelle was happy to take on the job of playing while we all watched. Somebody had to do it and she took one for the team.

In the afternoon we went to the children’s museum. Daniel Tiger was there in all his glory and Annabelle could not have been more thrilled. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree when she saw him. A few weeks ago she told me that Pete the Cat was just a person in a costume, but she didn’t say that with Daniel so I hope she really thought it was him.

Then she got to sit in his trolley and her entire life was made.

While Oma and Christopher had a disagreement about Donald Trump, AB and I set up a little picnic at the Dunkin Donuts table. We’d rather take about selfies than talk about what The Hair is up to.

Sunday we had another breakfast with Great Grandma then went to the aquarium. I love aquariums. I dreamed of being a dolphin trainer and really regretted giving up on that dream when we were watching the dolphin show. Shout out to Lisa Frank and her multicolored animals for kicking off my love of sea creatures. I passed down that love to my offspring. She could not get enough and told me that dolphins are friendly after all. (PS. She is so cute and I tell her so 48 times a day. ”Thanks, Mama. You too. Can I have another snack?”)

If you’re feeling a little big for your britches, go stand by the shark tank. They’ll put you in your place pretty quickly.

Daniel Tiger is fun and so is that shark tank!