Annabelle is watching Little Einsteins so I’m going to try getting this out before the episode is over. She calls Little Einsteins “Little Nine Steins” and I haven’t corrected her. She calls nail polish “pail nolish” and I haven’t corrected that either. But I misspelled Einstein so I might not be the best person to further her education.

I started attending a new MOPS group this year. The group I was in for the last two years shut down so I was forced to find a new group. I picked a new group based off where my friends were switching to and did zero research on the group itself. My sweet friend Shelley told me she’d be going to the group where her mom is a mentor mom so that’s where I signed up.

A few weeks ago I went to a play date with the new group. I don’t enjoy meeting large crowds of new people and Shelley wouldn’t be there so I didn’t want to go but I forced myself. I knew it would make the first meeting easier if I met a few ladies beforehand at the playground. I woke up with a large pimple on my forehead which I should have taken as a sign to not go. Do you know how hard it is to differentiate a MOPS mom from a regular mom at a popular public playground? Impossible. I had no idea who was who so I had to ask, thereby talking to even more strangers. Finally, I found the right group and stood around awkwardly. Annabelle didn’t feel awkward in the least. She made herself right at home in the sand and mud. I met a woman named Beth who told me this group has seventy women signed up. 70. SEVENTY. That’s 68 people I didn’t know. My last two groups only had about 20 each. Naturally, I hyperventilated and nearly passed out. Later that day I found out Shelley decided she couldn’t do MOPS this year. That didn’t help my social anxiety any.

I got myself to the first meeting on time but got lost after dropping Annabelle off in the nursery. I ended up in a random hallway with taped up doors and no lights. When I made it to the right room I sat at the wrong table. What a great start! I was thrilled that Gina from my old group showed up and was assigned to the same table as me. Hallelujah, praise the Lord. We had to fill out a paper with our contact information and answer a few questions. The last question was “does sharing your thoughts/feelings in a group setting make you feel comfortable or uncomfortable?” I’ll let you guess how I answered.

Yesterday the leader of our table asked if anyone had prayer requests. Karin asked for prayers as she attempts to potty train her 15 month old in four days. I may only have one child and not have twenty parenting years under my belt, but that seems like it’s asking for failure. I will pray for you, Karin. I haven’t made any great friends yet (we’ve only had two meetings) but I’m incredibly proud of myself glad I made myself join a new group. MOPS has been one of the very best things I’ve done since becoming a mom and I recommend it to everyone.

Brief intermission as I got Sesame Pie her lunch. She asked for yogurt but it was all expired. Please take notes on my excellent homemaker skilz.

I’ve been delaying my Fall decorating since it’s been so warm out but yesterday I took out my box of decor. Annabelle helped decorate the mantle. I did one side,

and she did the other. Owliver and Purple Elephant were prominently featured. 
Feel free to add this to your pinterest board.
She comes by her homemaker stilz honestly.