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We just returned from a week in Maine. Erika and I decided Aunt Camp has been so successful we should take the show on the road. Our husbands/the uncles came along to experience the fun of Aunt Camp and be our built in babysitters. I enjoy when the adult/child ratio is so high.

We rented an Airbnb house and it was beautiful. We all had our own rooms and a nice living room and yard with a hammock to share. We could see the beach from the front patio. We all get along so well and had so much fun. The girls favorite part of the house was the washing machine and dryer. They were new and had bright lights and played little songs at the end of the cycle. More than once they both sat on my lap in front of the washing machine and watched it spin through the window in the door. We could have stayed home and watched our own washing machine for free.

Our first night there we went to Erika’s friends for supper. Their home is in the middle of the woods and it looks like the trees will take over the house any day now. They’re very environmentally conscious and the husband works at a wildlife refuge. Their last name is Feurt but Annabelle misunderstood and kept calling him “Mr. Spork.” It makes me laugh every time. This picture cracks me up because they have almost identical hair. 

It’s so fun to see AB and Ivy begin to play together. At Aunt Camp last year Ivy couldn’t even roll over. This year she was trying to help Annabelle build her ”play area for the people with a beach and a house and a turtle and a castle.” Ivy didn’t understand AB’s vision but it’s the thought that counts.    
Erika and I spent two afternoons exploring the little shops in Kennebunkport. She and I always laugh so much when we’re together. I never wanted an older sister because I was THE older sister, but now that she’s in my life I have to say I enjoy it. We’re good shopping companions because we can help the other justify almost any purchase.
We’re not biologically related but we’ve been cursed blessed with the same square chin.  
We played in the sand and collected too many rocks and shells. Annabelle LOVES them both and we brought home a large box of rocks for her rock garden out back.

Too bad Annabelle and Ivy weren’t more relaxed. It’s a tough life, being pulled in a wagon while you eat goldfish.

On our first full day we went for a walk at Mr. Spork’s wildlife refuge. It POURED the entire time but we walked the whole trail anyway. We were soaked by end. In such muddy and wet conditions we decided it would be a good time to swing by the Bush family summer home. It was nearly lunchtime and I assumed they’d know a fan when they saw one and have us in to eat. Sadly they must have missed the fact that I was standing outside their door because I wasn’t invited in. There are multiple homes on their compound so I don’t think my plans for a sleepover should cause any trouble. 

One morning we put a sequinned pillow in the window to catch the sun, turned on some tunes and had a disco party. Erika didn’t join us but Daniel and Ivy did. Ivy dances much like her father. There’s very little movement in her moves.  

This is what it will look like if I ever have another girl. Matching outfits for everyone!
The original Aunt Camp crew.
We were so so sad to leave. I could have stayed there another week or the rest of my life. I was hoping our maid our be home to help unpack our bags and wash the clothes but she was nowhere to be seen. Good help is so hard to keep! Annabelle helped out by “washing” the windows with the broom while I unpacked. I file that squarely in the “making more work for me” category but she thought she was helping.  
I’m already counting down the weeks until next years vacation Aunt Camp vacation.