For those unfamiliar with geography, Tennessee is sadly lacking in the beach department.

I grew up going to the beach multiple times a summer and have so missed it since I moved to the land of barbeque.

Friday night Grandma, Mom, Dad, AB and I took a trip to the beach. Naturally the one time in the last 3 years I have a chance to see the beach I grew up at it poured giant cats and dogs. While we waited for the storm to pass we went to a local restaurant. I was so proud of Annabelle. She may have been born in the south but she’s a New England girl at heart. She gobbled up those clam cakes like they were going out of style. Much like her mother, she can’t refuse anything that’s fried.
The storm cleared by the time we were done eating and the sky was GORGEOUS.
I’ll spare you the 48 other sunset pictures I took. 
Kidding. Here’s another.
The typical four generations photo. The youngest generation was happier than she looks. Immediately after this was taken she walked straight into a puddle for some puddle jumping.
I don’t understand why this isn’t my front yard.
“Hug, Memere! Hug!”