The time has come for us to once again pack all our earthly belongings in boxes and move our entire lives to a new state on the other side of the country.

For those keeping track at home, this will be our fifth house/seventh move in four and a half years.

I’ve assembled a short list of requirements for our new town:

* Multiple GOOD Dunkin Donuts locations. That goes without saying. The DD here are so subpar but I go anyway because Dunkin Donuts is in my blood. Plus I have a .99 refill cup and it’s fiscally responsible to take advantage of the savings. I did some research on our new town and the locals like Tim Horton’s or a place called Spot. They’re both THE PLACE for coffee. I’ll do a study of the French Vanilla ice coffee in both places and get back to you with the results.

* The Big Three- Michael’s, Joann’s and the Hob Lob. Much like pillows or the perfect shade of lip gloss, crafts stores are a very personal decision. My big three may not be your big three.

* Good pizza and Mexican restaurants. Obviously.

* Trees. Our current neighborhood has a grand total of seven trees, none of which shade our yard. From the hours of 9am to 7pm our yard is a sauna. Knowing how life works, our next yard will probably be completely shaded and I’ll be complaining about lack of sun.

* A doctor who has speaks English well and has an easily pronounceable last name. Bonus points if she magically knows my medical history without me having to tell her.

* NO FLIES. I cannot stand flies. They have followed me from our first home at Fort Drum and set up shop in every single house since. They have taken over the kitchen and I can’t get a handle on the situation.

* Desired but not a necessity: interesting neighbors. AB and I spend a considerable small amount of our day getting to know our current neighbors. By that I mean we watch their comings and goings and give them all nicknames. Christopher doesn’t understand my need to be well informed about the community. Typical male.