Edition: I had a needle sticking OUT OF MY HEAD

Size of baby: 5.5ish pounds and supposedly the size of a leek. I thought a leek was similar in size to an onion so I did some indepth research into to the subject. It seems the people over at The Bump are running out of vegetables to compare the child to because a leek is basically an onion, a vegetable we’ve already used. Now they’re getting leaves and stems involved which is really complicating things. Why can’t we compare the baby to candy bars? 
Fun fact: The baby started out smaller than a sesame seed and now we can put one finger on my stomach and feel it wiggle. Things are getting large around here.
Size of mother: At this point I have gained 18 el bees. I don’t like proclaiming my weight but these things must be recorded for posterity.
What’s on the menu: I bought blueberries to make blueberry coffee cake but ate them all before I got around to making the cake.
Other things I have to say: Sesame is still breech so today we had an acupuncture appointment in hopes it might help the baby turn. I’m not holding my breath that it will work but I don’t want to sit around doing nothing. It was my first time getting acupuncture done and I have never felt so hippie in all my life. At one point I had a needle sticking out of my head (I’m sure it gave me a nice alien with an antenna look) while she burned something down by my toes. I can’t even. All this was happening while she told me how her husband works at The Turnip Truck. 

So we had a perfectly normal Saturday afternoon.