Edition: I look like an Easter egg

Not much has changed since last week so this is an abbreviated version.

Size of baby: About 1lb or, supposedly, the size of a spaghetti squash. I wish they’d stop using food as a comparison. I realize they’re trying to give us something tangible to compare the size of the baby to, but the vegetables aren’t in any sort of Russian nesting doll order and it drives the OCD part of me nuts. See below for very scientific illustration.

The baby was a round little ball at week 19, suddenly started exercising and lost a lot of weight for week 21, but bulked back up with week 22. I’m so confused. Why couldn’t they say “This week your baby is the size of a carrot and next week it will be the size of a slightly larger carrot”? (This is the overtired Sarah talking. I’m sorry you had to witness it.)

Fun fact: Sesame’s eyes and tiny teeth are developed.
The good and the bad: The good news is I’m on a 6 day no throwing up streak. This has happened exactly never in the last 22 weeks. The bad news is I’m still nauseous all the time. You win some, you lose some.