* Last night Christopher told me about a study he read on why people twitch when they’re falling asleep. I told him about a baby at school who had such a terrible blowout that the only way to free him from his filthy clothes was to cut them off his body.

He wasn’t quite sure what to do with that story.

* Earlier in the week I asked Christopher if anything major had happened in the world because I have been too busy to read the news, but not too busy to check out the latest sales on the Old Navy website. I’m wondering if I should rearrange my priorities because apparently cute clothes > knowing about what new threat our country is facing.

* I’ve been experiencing an unusual tingling in my right thumb. I refuse to look up possible causes on WebMD because then I’ll convince myself I have cancer or am dying and who has time for all that three days before Easter? I’ve self-diagnosed myself as having Texters Thumb.

* A digger with a full load of rocks almost hit me this morning. I was in the car and only escaped certain death (or at least dealing with the insurance company) through a show of impressive driving skilz. And by that I mean I didn’t stall as I sped out of his way.

* I almost drove into Dunkin’ Donuts as I picked up my medium French vanilla ice coffee today. Not the I went into the drive-through lane kind of into Dunkin’ Donuts. I almost drove INTO the building.

I’d rather not discuss it anymore.