Yesterday we observed Columbus Day like most of our fellow
Americans. Except I call it Amerigo Vespucci Day because I believe in giving
honor where honor is due. I told Christopher (the husband, not the explorer) my
thoughts and he said if we’re being technical about it, we should call it Lief
Ericson Day because Lief landed in the Americas before Amerigo. Welcome to our daily discussions of our
We spent the day up in Nashville doing the touristy things.
We visited the Ryman and took a backstage tour. I loved the windows.

The tour guide informed us that just the other week Martina
McBride sat on a particular couch in the dressing room we were in, and it took
three of us to hold Christopher back from BOLTING over to sit where Martina had
sat. Can you imagine the blog material had he really done that?!

we visited the Country Music Hall of Fame.

(They had a temporary T. Swift exhibit but I didn’t spend much time there because I have some strong feelings regarding her. They’re mostly along the lines of girlfriend needs to pick her heart up off the floor and move on! At least I that’s how I feel when I’m not singing Teardrops on My Guitar.)

care for a revolver door handle?

I was
overjoyed upon leaving the Hall of Fame to see my very good friend, Mr. Josh
Turner.  Naturally we took our picture

This is
how Christopher felt that I wanted my picture taken with another man. 

Between Martina, the revolver on the door, and Josh, I think we spent the day just as Amerigo would have wanted.