Because we’re moving three days after Easter, I won’t be able to do much decorating this year. However, in my extensive holiday research (meaning times when I was on the computer but probably should have been doing something else), I discovered two Easter crafts that I will do. Goodness knows I can’t let a holiday going by without some decorating. 

I’m going to make this little Peter Cottontail bunny out of burlap. I think he’s so adorable.

I would like to present the winner of the How We Will Decorate Our Easter Eggs, Edition 2012. Just in case this idea doesn’t work (which is entirely possible), I have three backup plans. I get very serious about egg decorating and fully intend on passing along the excitement to Christopher. He’s probably just glad there’s no glitter involved.

Thanks to Pinterest and Martha Stewart, here are a few ways I’ll decorate for Easter when I have a more permanent home. Oh, Pinterest story!! The other day I was searching for Easter egg ideas on Pinterest and Christopher walked by and said, “Oh, is that Pinterest?” It was a very proud wife moment. 🙂