Feb 11, 2013 | Army life, What's going on |
Friday night I put on my fancy dress and Christopher put on his fancy pants uniform* in preparation for one of my favorite Army events- the ball.
*I use only the most proper terminology
My friend Scherrie was there with her husband Daniel. Scherrie is known in our house as my “replacement friend for when Jenn moves across the ocean.”

Her presence lifted some of the weight off Christopher’s shoulders to engage in my fashion discussions about what other ladies thought appropriate to wear. Scherrie and I didn’t get to sit at the same table, but that didn’t stop me from running over to get her opinion on whether the centerpieces were from Pinterest. I don’t have a good picture of them because Christopher doesn’t like when I make a big deal about getting pictures during formal events. Something about protocol and behaving properly.
Speaking of taking pictures, a four star general gave the speech and I didn’t get a picture of/with him. The more patches and pins a person has on their uniform the more likely I am to be impressed, and he was the most impressive of them all. I was tempted to waltz up and tell him about the rabbit I had when I was young who was a four star general in the Bunny Corps, but that would probably be against protocol. It probably also have been considered weird.
He wasn’t the only general in attendance. General Bly the Eagle was also there.
It’s not every day I attend a ball with my husband, a general with many stars AND a bald eagle.
God bless America.
Feb 7, 2013 | Army life |
…and because tomorrow I’ll see Christopher for the first time in over a month!
Things have been pretty wild in his absence what with
the shooting
and the unfortunate incident involving the cookies and the oven.
Not to mention that I’ve been hanging pictures and papers up on the refrigerator because if he’s not here to see them, surely they can’t bother him. (Right?)
I’m sure he’ll be so delighted to see me that he won’t pay any attention to the newly decorated appliance.
But just in case, I’m off to gaze at it one more time.
Jenn took the pictures. She makes cute children and takes Christmas pictures. Is there anything she can’t do?
Feb 15, 2012 | Army life, Holidays |
Yesterday was so fun. Kim and I had been talking and texting about the Valentines Day graduation formal for months and it finally happened. We decided to make a big day out of it and do all sorts of fun girly things. We had our nails done, we ate chocolate, had lunch together, and went to the salon to have our hair done.
When we got back to the hotel we got dressed and ohhed and ahhed over every little thing. We were slightly excited.
Finally our men arrived and we got to the formal. We were so happy to be there that we celebrated the occasion by taking more pictures.
Kim with her boyfriend, Ian.
Christopher and I were the very first people to go through the receiving line. I like to think that’s because the high-ups just couldn’t wait to meet me, but in reality it was because Christopher was carrying the American flag in the Color Guard so he had get through quickly. I considered bringing a sign that read “PAY ATTENTION, FOLKS. My husband is carrying the American flag.” but I didn’t think that would be appropriate considering the circumstances. To keep myself occupied after he left do perform his duties, I looked at the lovely tables and took pictures of the food. As soon as Kim arrived downstairs I rushed over and told her the dessert options. Dessert was a topic that came up approximately 750 times that day.

We spent the rest of the evening talking, eating, listening to a keynote speaker who came from a long line of Hawaiian warriors (no one else at my table thought that was a funny as I did), reuniting with long-lost friends (meaning Kim and I would see each other after fifteen minutes apart and act as if it had been DECADES), and seeing lots of people in uniform. I’ve always been a fan of a good uniform.
Tomorrow is the graduation then we’re headed home!