Currently- according to Annabelle*

* with help from my editor

Watching: Baby Einstein, Toy Story and Sarah and Duck. Do you yike the new Toy Story or the old Toy Story?

Eating: Yogurt is my favorite. I don’t yike olives. I yike peas, corn, and rice with peanut butter. I mean soy sauce! That’s so funny. Rice with soy sauce! 

Reading: One Morning In Maine and Blueberries for Sal. At night I line up all my friends in bed and tell them we’re going to Buck’s Harbor, just like they do in the book.

Talking about: Japan, stingrays, soccer, what I want to be for Halloween, washing machines, the map of the world that’s round and talks about America (a globe). I yike to talk about crafts.

Planning: my garden next year. It will be a flower garden with seeds, carrots, coconuts and potatoes. 

Earning: monies for my turtle bank. I dust the living room and do big chores. I clean the house. Sometimes I ask for monies after I make my bed but I don’t get any. 

Going to: school.  I yike the songs and the toys. I yike riding in the cars on the playground, crawling in the caterpillar and eating snacks. We sing the snack song and munch, munch eat a yittle bit. We dress the frog picture in his clothes for the day. I do his sunglasses and it’s so funny!

Favorite thing about Mommy: playing with her. 

currently- the end of summer edition

Buying: matching Christmas pajamas for the entire family. I bought a Christmas ornament in Maine so I’ll be ready to party as soon as November rolls around.

Reading: First Women, the Grace and Power of America’s Modern First Ladies, by Kate Anderson Brower. Four stars. A thus far unachieved goal of mine is to be First Lady so I read everything I can about the position. I’ve offered my services to Melania Trump is she ever wants to take the day off but I haven’t heard from her yet.
Church of the Small Things by Melanie Shankle. Five stars. I’ve read Melanie’s blog for years and own all her books. They’re on my book shelf in the ”bloggers who write books” section. I really enjoyed her book on friendship but CotST might be my new favorite. I love how she writes about life with humor and adds bits of scripture and truth without being preachy. 

“Deep down we struggle to believe God is going to lead us to what is best for us. It’s our internal voice that whispers we will never be enough, so we work and worry and feel like we must do something big, something huge to prove our worth and to make sure our life matters. We have to host a conference, starts a movement, adopt fifteen kids, or fight human trafficking to really matter. Which are all great things, but thinking this way can cause us to lose sight of the small things that can also change a life: bringing dinner to a sick neighbor, smiling at a waitress who’s having a bad day, reading to your kids before bed, and simply praying for someone going through a rough time.”  

I love that quote because I always feel like I should be doing something more impressive with my life. I love listening to podcasts but sometimes feel so insignificant because these women start companies, build orphanages and flip homes while homeschooling their 10 children and feeding them a hormone-free diet. I can’t even remember to take the meat out of the freezer in time for supper. I’ve always said it doesn’t matter to me if my kids are famous (although an olympic figure skater would be nice) as long as they’re good, kind people who love others. If it’s true for Annabelle than I should believe it about myself too.

Googling: Do puppies lose their baby teeth? It came up in a book AB and I were reading and she wanted to know if it was true. Not being a veterinarian I had no idea. The world wide web says they do. 

Excited/beyond sympathetic for: Kate Middleton. In case you live under a rock or simply don’t care about the life of the royals (like he who shall remain nameless but to whom I am married), you probably heard that Kate is pregnant again. I am beyond excited. I pay close attention to their goings on and am delighted there will be three royal children. I COULD NOT be more sympathetic to how she feels. I dealt with hyperemesis once and it took me more than two years to even begin discussing the possibility of having another child. Kate has been through this three times in five years. Unless you’ve thrown up 10+ times every day for months, been hospitalized for dehydration, too weak to take a shower and thought it a real accomplishment to keep down a quarter of a muffin in 24 hours you cannot begin to understand how she feels. 

Writing: my autobiography. Before you roll your eyes, know that I have no plan of publishing my book. I do not live a highly interesting life nor am I a First Lady, but I do have stories I think would be fun to pass down. I don’t claim to be a grate a riter of stuf but maybe my great great grand daughter will enjoy hearing about how I embarrassed myself in aisle 16 of Lowes. My past writing career included the beginnings of an opera about a ruler (male), a stapler (female) and a kaleidoscope (male). The ruler and the kaleidoscope for fighting for the affections of the stapler. She couldn’t chose between the more boring yet straight and dependable ruler and the fun and flashy kaleidoscope. It’s exactly the type of story Shakespeare would have written. Needless to say that opera was never published.    

Beginning to be embarrassed by: Annabelle’s questions about body parts. We were at music class this week and everyone was singing the counting song. Most people there didn’t know the song so it was a quiet group. Suddenly Sesame loudly says, “How do mamas nurse their babies? What part of their body to they use? Is it this part?” and she very enthusiastically starts patting my boobs. I have no problem with her wondering about nursing, but I don’t want to get into the mechanics during music class. Later we were sitting at the playground and she brought it up again. I explained it to her and she poked her nipple and said “Do they use a mipple?” NO FOLLOW UP QUESTIONS. I babysat a little boy today and she wanted to watch him use the potty. I did not allow that. I can’t deal with any more anatomy questions this week. “Mama, does he have a bagina?” 

Being stared at by: this face. All day, every day. Never farther than 6” away. 
Good thing she’s cute.

Contains some affiliate links to help buy my iced coffee.

Currently- the May edition

Attempting: To get
up before Annabelle every morning. Not only get up before her, but do my devotions and exercises before she woke up. The whole idea is laughable, but my birthday is coming up and I’m trying to better myself and also lose weight. (When
does extra weight cease to be baby weight and become regular weight?
Asking for a friend.)

Normally I don’t leave my bed
until AB has called my name a number of times and I’ve spent 10 minutes
saying “I’ll be right there” so this is a real 180 from my norm. The first day I popped out of bed bright-eyed and chipper. The second day I hit the snooze button once but I got my things done before Sesame woke up. The third day I accidentally overslept and only got out of bed because I realized the plumber was scheduled to arrive in 22 minutes. I did exercise every day, but I spent all week doing this.

Wishing: I was at Pippa Middleton’s wedding. I’m choosing to believe my invitation got lost in the mail because of course, she did invite me. First thing this morning I hopped online to see pictures. I like this picture of Kate trying to keep all the kids before going into the church. I do the same thing every Sunday. She really is a mom like me. 

Meanwhile, there’s Charlotte, licking the bottom of her flower girl basket. Toddlers, man. They’re all the same.


Reading: The first of The Mitford Series and A Day on the Farm.

Drinking: Apple cider vinegar. It might be good for my intestines but you know what it’s not good for? My taste buds. I think they’ve all been burned off.

Baking/binge eating: Tagalong cookie bars. They are SO SO good. They’re counterproductive to weight loss but I don’t care. They’re worth it. I made them for MOPS but they were so frozen I couldn’t get them out of the pan in time. I was left with an entire pan for myself. What a bummer.

Wondering: Why the founders of MOPS settled on a name that’s also a household cleaning item. It stands for Mothers of Preschoolers which makes sense, but I wish they had chosen a name like LOVE (Lives of the Very Exhausted) or NAPS (Never Any Peace). They could have gotten the point across without reminding me that my floor needs to be washed.

Currently- the flu edition

Reading: A Long Way Home by Saroo Brierly and You Carried Me by Melissa Ohden. The former is the book the movie The Lion is based on and the latter is a true story of a woman who survived an attempted abortion. It’s a fascinating story.

Making: blueberry muffins. The recipe isn’t lying by calling them “the most sweetest” muffins. They’re so good. We made them in our new heart cupcake tin because everything tastes better when it’s festive.

Watching: Kipper the dog when Sesame is awake and This Is Us when she’s in bed. HOW MUCH DO I LOVE THIS IS US, LET ME COUNT THE WAYS.

Wishing for: spring. I like snow but am not a fan of endless days of cold and wind. I’m ready for sunny days and playing outside. I can’t wait to go for walks again. Annabelle can’t wait to go swimming. We’re both over winter at this point.

Buying: fancy straws. I know what I said about this being No Spend February and only buying essentials but in my world fancy straws are essential. They were only one dollar and they’re for Annabelle’s birthday so it was a justifiable purchase. No, I don’t need Straw Collectors Anonymous. I don’t have an addiction! I don’t have a supplier who buys me straws with his Michael’s employee discount!

Planning: Annabelle’s birthday party. How can she be almost three?!?! She said she wants an ice cream cake and another ice cream cake.

Taking: all the dayquil/nyquil/robitussin/cough drops. I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic, but I have the plague. Annabelle got hit first and gave it to me. When I talk to her about sharing I don’t mean I want her to share the flu! We’re a coughing, sore throat, aching mess over here. We were never sick so constantly in Tennessee and it’s gotten so tiring. 

Listening to: Sesame calling for me. “Moooooommy! Mama! Come in my room! Mama! Are you dere?! MOOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYYY!” She doesn’t take bedtime as seriously as I do. 

Currently- the October edition

Planning: Annabelle and George’s wedding. It will be bubble themed. The other day Annabelle told me “I’m going to mawwy P’ince George.” My work here is done.

Reading: Eligible by Curtis Sittenfield. It’s a modern day Pride and Prejudice and the easiest book to read. One chapter was a whopping three sentences. I just picked up A Mother’s Reckoning by Sue Klebold, mother of a Columbine shooter.  These books could not be more different.  
Watching: Britain’s Poshest Nannies. One of my after college plans was to be a live-in nanny, preferably in an interesting location. My plans were altered when I got married at 21 but I still think it would have been fun. A few years ago I learned about a nanny college in Australia then more recently I heard of one in England. This documentary shows the process the girls at the English school go through to become nannies for upper class families, celebrities and even royals. It’s interesting to note that I watched it while we were babysitting Ivy and I was contemplating whether I really want another child or not. But sign me up to pay thousands of dollars a year to learn how to be the next nanny for Matt Damon’s children!
Surviving: grocery shopping in the rain. I HATE shopping in the rain, especially when I have Sesame. 

Wondering about: toast. Talk to me about toast. What do you put on it? What’s your go-to topping? I love a warm piece of toast with melted butter. If I’m feeling a little fancy I add sugar and cinnamon. I’m open to all toast related suggestions for any meal. Does garlic bread count as toast? I could eat it every day for a week and still want more.  
Listening to: AB talk. The other night she didn’t stop talking until after 11. ELEVEN PM. She expected me to answer and have a full conversation with her. I was trying to sleep so I had no interest in discussing the new princess on Sofia the First. She talks nonstop. I think it’s payback from when I was her age. 
Having weird dreams about: Christopher taking me with him to Fallujah. Apparently he was deployed there and I decided to go all to see the sites. I was uncomfortable sleeping inside the Humvee so they attached the back of a pickup to the back of the humvee and I made myself a bed and slept out there. My mattress kept falling off and I got so annoyed I decided to stay behind on the side of the road. Eventually Christopher came back to get me and brought with him a souvenir- a garlic garland for the mantle! I’ve always wanted to decorate with garlic! If only it had been a real dream I could have used it to make myself some nice garlic bread.

Currently- the September Edition

Reading: Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle. Five stars all around. It’s so so good. Waiting in the wings are Bebe Day by Day and Sunday’s with Tiffany. I thought I’d get through all three books on vacation but I read all of one paragraph.

Making: zoodles. I love regular pasta with all my heart and soul, but I’m trying to be more healthy and that requires sacrifice. Two nights ago I stuck some zucchini in the spiralizer and cranked out some fake noodles. My Italian ancestors were turning over in their graves. It made my soul weep a little. The finished product wasn’t as fabulous as regular pasta but it wasn’t too bad either. The experimental meal last night was a sausage and vegetable paella with cauliflower “rice” instead of real rice. It was not spectacular. That’s what I get for cheating on the fried rice from Asian Star. This eating healthy nonsense better pay off in the slimming waistline department. If not I’ll be back to my real fried rice and nightly Klondike bars. Just kidding. I’ll be back to my Klondike bars and Lindor truffles either way.

How pasta makes me feel.

Disagreeing: with Christopher. I say that when necessary, having the windows open during the day allows some breeze in the house, even if it’s a warm breeze. He says that only works if it’s cooler outside than inside, otherwise all I’m doing is letting hot air in. I said regardless of the temperature of the air it’s still creating airflow which we NEED, since our air conditioner isn’t working. It’s been so stuffy in here we can barely breath. We’re sweating bullets. He also stated that fans don’t cool down a room, they only cool you off if you’re in front of it, creating the illusion that the room is cooler. He pulled up six websites “proving his point.” Apparently he’s “stating facts” and “actual science.” Science, shmience. One site featured a fan in a cooler complete with a graph. Who puts a fan in a cooler? That’s doesn’t make sense at all. I don’t care what the Internet says. I’m stating what I know FROM REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. I have every downstairs window open and a fan on right now and the breeze is great. 

Annoyed with: our broken AC.

Unpacking from/repacking for: the beach/a trip to Georgia. I know you’re thinking, “Didn’t you just take a trip? Why are you always leaving?” Yes we did and I don’t know. If only I got paid per mile traveled I could afford a trip to a tropical location. We’ll only be in Georgia for two nights but I packed 9 necklaces. I like to be prepared for all situations.

(Update: Christopher just came in and said it’s really hot in our house. Somehow he missed the FABULOUS cross-current and airflow and fan positioning I spent half the morning working on. #men.) 

Buying: maroon skinny jeans. I’ve never owned colored jeans before so this is a big fashion leap. The store was having a good sale so I also bought a dark gray pair. I’m trying to be a cool mom so AB won’t be embarrassed when she’s seen with me. 

Internally crying over: my ever increasing pants size. Why don’t they have normal sized people working in clothing stores? I need someone with a little muffin top to unlock the dressing room door, not a woman wear size -4 pants and giant eyelashes. It’s not good for my self esteem.

Picking up: pompoms. All day every day. Annabelle is obsessed with them and dumps them out the minute she comes downstairs in the morning. I’m counting my blessings that it’s not styrofoam. That stuff sends me straight to Crazytown.

I’m off to have a super healthy supper of dandelion greens and lima beans.


I’m making BLT’s with extra B.