Dec 15, 2014 | Holidays, Sesame |
We had a busy Saturday. First, we dropped AB off at parents day out at MOPS. I was really proud of myself for signing her up because I still don’t love leaving her with other people. (Except on the days I want to break outta this house like a criminal escaping prison. Then I’d hand her off to almost anyone.) Christopher and I had a breakfast date then walked around the mall. In other words, we partied hard during our childless two hours.
In the afternoon I took Annabelle to a Christmas party put on by A Soldier’s Child Foundation. She wore the second dress in her Christmas dress rotation. It’s a real shame she’s a shabby looking child.

The party was held at a church downtown and a grand total of 800 children were signed up to attend. I like kids but that’s A LOT OF CHILDREN in one spot. Every family got a blanket, a book and a bag of gifts specifically bought for each child. I’ve always been on the giving end of these events so it felt extremely weird to be the one receiving. I almost didn’t sign Annabelle up for it because I felt so odd. Annabelle didn’t feel odd at all. She waved at everyone, pulled on the pompom hat of the girl in front of her, ate a container of apple sauce, and loved the music. Basically, all her Christmas dreams came true in one hour.
I managed to get most of our faces in the picture. My selfie skills are improving. |
I wish we could met the family who picked out gifts for Annabelle. They wrote us the sweetest card and gave us this big bag. It was so generous of them.
She opened one gift yesterday and we’re saving the rest for Christmas. Not that she notices there are more in the bag. All they needed to do was give her the gold bow. She played with it for 15 minutes straight.
Dec 1, 2014 | Holidays |
“Thank the Lord and pass the mashed potatoes.” |
If you don’t count the 14 pictures I took of Annabelle in her turkey skirt and the five I took of my table centerpiece, I barely took any pictures of our Thanksgiving. Imagine a turkey, a bowl of cranberry sauce and a table full of dishes and you have a good idea of our day.
We had our friends Jordan, Sarah and Zack over. We played Taboo and the teams were guys against girls. The score was something like 67 to 43. I’d be more specific about who got 43 points but my spirit is still bruised.
You can look at this as a sweet mother/daughter picture, or you can focus on the blank picture frame we have on our wall. What you can’t see is we have six frames on that wall and only four have photos in them. It’s been like that for a week. It’s always a miracle our marriage survives hanging frames. Actually filling them all in a timely manner is expecting too much. The phrase you’re looking for is Mr. and Mrs. Martha Stewart.
I’ll tell you what I’m most thankful for- you can’t see the white hair in my eyebrow.
This white hair nonsense is getting out of control. |
BRB. Gotta go plan my Christmas decorations.
Nov 17, 2014 | Holidays, Uncategorized |
I went to a tattoo parlor yesterday.
We decided on a whim it would be fun to get matching tattoos of Annabelle’s face on our arms so off we went.
If only it had been that exciting. Christopher wanted to get another tattoo and nothing says family bonding like parading into the tattoo place with a baby in a car seat so we all went. It was a baby free establishment (exactly as I predicted it would be) so AB and I went to the store while Christopher got it done. It’s probably just as well I wasn’t involved. I would have flip-flopped between covering my eyes, moaning in sympathetic pain and inquiring about the cleanliness of the tools. I did take a picture of Christopher and the tattoo guy through the window before I left. I wanted photographic evidence in case any nonsense happened in our absence. It’s a miracle Christopher survived any of his previous tattoo experiences without me there to supervise.
Earlier in the day we went to see Santa. Normally I’d do such things after Thanksgiving but I thought I’d beat the crowds and go early. The rest of the town had the same idea. The line to see Mr. Claus was approximately 954 feet long. We told Annabelle we’d go back another day but half an hour later Mr. Claus was sitting there with no one on his lap so I all but threw her on him. You’d think I actually did throw her for all the crying and screaming. She stopped crying to play with the bell for all of .6 seconds before looking at him and realizing he wasn’t her mother. I think it was the beard that clued her in.
An old man at church this morning asked if my dainty little lady is a girl or boy. Annabelle couldn’t believe it. She said next time she needs to wear a bigger bow so there’s no confusion.
Nov 2, 2014 | Holidays, Sesame |
Halloween 2014
We borrowed the uniform from my army teddy bear. He didn’t come with pants. |
Cutest little soldier I’ve ever seen. |
We dressed her as a pan of spaghetti. She was understandably confused as to why we allowing her to sit on the stove. |
“I can’t believe these are the people God picked to be my parents. Can I get a do-over?” |
Jul 9, 2014 | Holidays |
Subtitled: One of these times I’ll get around to posting close to the holiday
Sub subtitled: They’re mostly pictures of Sesame
Miss America by day, Captain America Jr. by night. |
Grampy, Grammy, and Auntie Elizabeth are visiting for the week.
Sesame’s enjoying six extra arms to cart her around and do her bidding. |
I took her swimming in a cake pan.
She wanted to go in the deep end so I told her next week we’ll break out the spaghetti pan. |
Yesterday we went to see how the building of my new mansion is coming along.
Or maybe we went to the gardens at the Opryland Hotel. Hard to say. |
Before the picture
Me: Don’t forget to smile!
Him: I won’t.
After the picture
Me: Did you smile? It doesn’t look like you smiled!
Him: I did.
Me: Are you sure?
Him: Yep.
I’m so glad we had this conversation. |
Me: ANNABELLE!!! Can you smile for mama?
Annabelle: best smile ever. |
Jul 4, 2014 | Holidays, The Humiliation Chronicles, What's going on |
The other day Annabelle and I went to pick up a few things at Publix. The following conversation took place between me and the boy bagging the groceries:
Him: Do you want me to push the carriage* out to the car for you?
Me: No thank you, I’m fine. (I’m all for boys being gentlemen but I didn’t have any spare cash for a tip.)
Him: Are you sure? I don’t mind.
Me: Oh, we’re good.
Him: It’s not a problem.
Me: I can do it but thank you anyway.
I then proceeded to crash the carriage straight into the neighboring cash register and almost run over people entering through the exit door. Just call me Grace.
* Carriage/cart/buggy. Toemayto, toemato.
To add to the awkward experiences I’ve lived through lately, when the pastor at church said to me “I’ll tell Chris too”, I stared at him for 48 minutes trying to figure out who this Chris person was. Don’t mind me. I’m just the person who doesn’t recognize her husband’s name when she hears it.
So that’s been life around here. In other words, it’s business as usual.
I am so excited about Annabelle’s first 4th of July. Fourth of July is right up there with Christmas when it comes to my favorite holidays. We made an American flag with her footprint. Feel free to send us a Pinterest Parents of the Year Award.
To round out this hodge podge post, and because I’m procrastinating about cleaning the bathroom, I present the following photo. This is the face of someone who slept from 9:30pm-6:30am, partied for an hour then went back to sleep until 10:30.
This is how I felt about Sesame’s sleep accomplishments: