because two just wasn’t enough

We were in Hobby Lobby today looking for a tree topper when we walked by a Charlie Brown tree. It reminded Christopher of the tree he had on his last deployment so we brought it home with us.
Now we have three Christmas trees.
The forest in our living room is growing by leaps and bounds. 

a tale of two trees

It was a very festive weekend ’round these parts. We put up our nativity, had pictures taken for our Christmas cards, and we got our Christmas trees. We have a regular size fake tree and a smaller real tree. I did want our big tree to be real, but we’ll be traveling for Christmas so we decided it would be easier to do a fake one this year.  
We went to Walmart to for the fake tree. I suggested these trees but Christopher wasn’t interested. I just don’t understand why. I thought they’d help us have a Klassy Khristmas.

After the pink, white, and purple trees were shot down we started looking at green trees. The tree we choose was sold out so we had to take the display tree. Walmart lost the tree box so we had to disassemble the tree in the aisle and wrap it in plastic wrap. And when I say we I really don’t mean I had anything to do with the disassembly. Someone had to stand in the way taking pictures.

I always dreamed of walking around a store with my husband while pushing a cart full of fake tree wrapped in plastic wrap. It was a romantic moment.

We left Wally World and meet Jenn at a Christmas parade downtown. Speaking of klassy, this float featured a HUGE roll of toilet paper.

On Sunday we went to buy our real tree. We had some miscommunication about how big the real tree would be. I thought we were getting a tiny table top one so it would be easy to take down before we leave, but Christopher thought…I’m not exactly sure what he thought, but it wasn’t the same thing I thought. That’s how we ended up with a tree that’s almost the same height as me. 

We basically have a forest in our living room.

We haven’t decorated the small tree yet because Christopher’s been working late, but we decorated the large tree Saturday night. 
There was a pretty tree under all that plastic wrap after all. 

except for an usual amount of coughing it was a quiet day

I feel like it would be extremely obvious to start off by saying, “Well, yesterday we celebrated Thanksgiving.” 
So I won’t say that.
Wednesday night we drove up to Christopher’s parents in Mississippi. We played Let’s See Who Can Make a Cough Drop Last the Longest on the way up. That was probably a step down from the karaoke game we played on our last road trip, but we both came down with terrible colds so singing was out of the question. Nothing like ushering in the holiday season with a bottle of Robitussin in one hand and an economy pack of cough drops in the other!  
Despite being in a clariton/benadryal/sudafed/cough medicine induced haze, I insisted on spray painting pinecones gold and stopping at the Dollar Tree (clearly I shop at only high-end stores) for a few Thanksgiving decorations. 

It’s really not Thanksgiving until every dish you own is being used and the counters are packed.

I made my world famous, top secret recipe from the back of the Ocean Spray bag cranberry sauce.

To prepare ourselves for the meal, we all took a nap before eating. I’m a fan of naps whenever possible so naturally I didn’t complain. 

And that was Thanksgiving. Very quiet (I’ve never spent the day with so few people) and very nice.

You all have a lovely weekend. If you need me, I’ll be polishing off my bag of 80 cough drops.

election night essentials

1. Pillows and slippers. Duel-purpose as they can be used for both comfort and throwing at the tv in moments of stress. Sheep slippers are purely optional, but they make the whole experience a lot cuter.
2. Snacks. They don’t have to be healthy because if you’re guy loses, you might need to eat some comfort food. If he wins (and lets face it, mine seldom does), you’ll have something to celebrate with. Either way you eat something so it’s a win-win. Eating leftover chocolate from National Chocolate Day means you’re being extra patriotic.
 3. Appropriate dress and jewelry.
4. (not pictured) A viewing partner. Lucky Christopher gets to experience election night with me for the first time. The poor guy has no idea what he’s in for.