Amerigo Day

Yesterday we observed Columbus Day like most of our fellow
Americans. Except I call it Amerigo Vespucci Day because I believe in giving
honor where honor is due. I told Christopher (the husband, not the explorer) my
thoughts and he said if we’re being technical about it, we should call it Lief
Ericson Day because Lief landed in the Americas before Amerigo. Welcome to our daily discussions of our
We spent the day up in Nashville doing the touristy things.
We visited the Ryman and took a backstage tour. I loved the windows.

The tour guide informed us that just the other week Martina
McBride sat on a particular couch in the dressing room we were in, and it took
three of us to hold Christopher back from BOLTING over to sit where Martina had
sat. Can you imagine the blog material had he really done that?!

we visited the Country Music Hall of Fame.

(They had a temporary T. Swift exhibit but I didn’t spend much time there because I have some strong feelings regarding her. They’re mostly along the lines of girlfriend needs to pick her heart up off the floor and move on! At least I that’s how I feel when I’m not singing Teardrops on My Guitar.)

care for a revolver door handle?

I was
overjoyed upon leaving the Hall of Fame to see my very good friend, Mr. Josh
Turner.  Naturally we took our picture

This is
how Christopher felt that I wanted my picture taken with another man. 

Between Martina, the revolver on the door, and Josh, I think we spent the day just as Amerigo would have wanted.

our 4th

 .my patriotic decorations.
.enjoying fireworks on Tuesday.
.Josh Turner performing the national anthem in Washington DC. 
(“Why did you take a picture of the tv?” Because it’s Josh Turner, that’s why.)
I ♥ America.

I can’t think of any other title than “Easter 2012” so we’ll go with that

Friday afternoon was our official egg decorating time. As normal, our eggs didn’t turn out like the picture, but you can sort of see the leaf patterns on two of the eggs. I think the colors are really pretty. Christopher’s egg decorating skills really surpassed my expectations.
I didn’t have much to work with for decorations since they’re all in boxes, but I had some leftover burlap from my burlap wreath project so I used that. 
Naturally we had a large supply of Reeses available. We also had Cadbury eggs, Lindt truffles(!!!!!), and peanut butter and chocolate candies I made using grandma’s recipe. We were not lacking in the chocolate department.
Last night Christopher set up an Easter egg hunt for me! I never had my own Easter egg hunt so I felt very special. I grew up competing with four siblings and nine cousins on Easter so this hunt was a walk in the park. It was so relaxing. I think it was very appropriate that I happened to be wearing pajamas with birds on them while I hunted for eggs. I believe in dressing appropriately for events.
Not pictured below are a necklace and the three cards he gave me. Do you see the Joanns gift card? The man knows the way to my heart. 
This morning as I was getting breakfast, Christopher walked into the kitchen both shirtless and shoe and sockless. I said I doubted they would let him into church looking like that because no shirt, no shoes, NO SERVICE. And then I died laughing because apparently I crack myself up and I’m my own biggest form of entertainment.

My little burlap bunnies turned out so cute! I may or may not have lit two pieces of burlap on fire in my attempts to seal the frayed edges of the bunnies, but I didn’t burn the house down. Always a positive. 

And without further delay…our Easter dinner! We cooked a little too much, but it was tasty. I really get to get a handle on the whole cooking for only two people thing.   
I had never celebrated Easter with less than 16 people so this year was very different for me, but we had a wonderful day together, just the two of us.

a very Pinteresting Easter

Because we’re moving three days after Easter, I won’t be able to do much decorating this year. However, in my extensive holiday research (meaning times when I was on the computer but probably should have been doing something else), I discovered two Easter crafts that I will do. Goodness knows I can’t let a holiday going by without some decorating. 

I’m going to make this little Peter Cottontail bunny out of burlap. I think he’s so adorable.

I would like to present the winner of the How We Will Decorate Our Easter Eggs, Edition 2012. Just in case this idea doesn’t work (which is entirely possible), I have three backup plans. I get very serious about egg decorating and fully intend on passing along the excitement to Christopher. He’s probably just glad there’s no glitter involved.

Thanks to Pinterest and Martha Stewart, here are a few ways I’ll decorate for Easter when I have a more permanent home. Oh, Pinterest story!! The other day I was searching for Easter egg ideas on Pinterest and Christopher walked by and said, “Oh, is that Pinterest?” It was a very proud wife moment. 🙂