Apr 4, 2012 | Holidays |
Because we’re moving three days after Easter, I won’t be able to do much decorating this year. However, in my extensive holiday research (meaning times when I was on the computer but probably should have been doing something else), I discovered two Easter crafts that I will do. Goodness knows I can’t let a holiday going by without some decorating.
I’m going to make this little Peter Cottontail bunny out of burlap. I think he’s so adorable.
I would like to present the winner of the How We Will Decorate Our Easter Eggs, Edition 2012. Just in case this idea doesn’t work (which is entirely possible), I have three backup plans. I get very serious about egg decorating and fully intend on passing along the excitement to Christopher. He’s probably just glad there’s no glitter involved.
Thanks to Pinterest and Martha Stewart, here are a few ways I’ll decorate for Easter when I have a more permanent home. Oh, Pinterest story!! The other day I was searching for Easter egg ideas on Pinterest and Christopher walked by and said, “Oh, is that Pinterest?” It was a very proud wife moment. 🙂
Mar 1, 2012 | Holidays, Love & Marriage |
I believe in celebrating almost every holiday, regardless of how big or small it may be. I also believe in celebrating achievements, especially in the form of celebratory meals served on the special plate reserved for just such occasions.
Christopher does not understand this.
Just this past Presidents Day I was bemoaning the fact we did not make James Madison mashed potatoes to go with our supper and he (Christopher, not James Madison) couldn’t comprehend why I even had a recipe for that, let alone why I would make it.
I bet he didn’t foresee that conversation when he walked down the aisle back in April.
Imagine my surprise and delight upon receiving the follow text this morning:
Christopher: Happy Leap Year/Day!
me: Why thank you! To you also! (Please note that I did not say ‘we should have a Leap Year Party!’)
Christopher: I wondered if that was coming.
me: Don’t think it didn’t cross my mind. Its not too late to start planning.
So that’s how Christopher came face to face with this picture on the front door when he came home from work tonight.
Please don’t ask what a frog fishing has to do with Leap Year. I never said my celebrating made a lot of sense.
To be honest, it hadn’t even occurred to me to celebrate Leap Year. I’m so glad Christopher reminded me.
Feb 15, 2012 | Army life, Holidays |
Yesterday was so fun. Kim and I had been talking and texting about the Valentines Day graduation formal for months and it finally happened. We decided to make a big day out of it and do all sorts of fun girly things. We had our nails done, we ate chocolate, had lunch together, and went to the salon to have our hair done.
When we got back to the hotel we got dressed and ohhed and ahhed over every little thing. We were slightly excited.
Finally our men arrived and we got to the formal. We were so happy to be there that we celebrated the occasion by taking more pictures.
Kim with her boyfriend, Ian.
Christopher and I were the very first people to go through the receiving line. I like to think that’s because the high-ups just couldn’t wait to meet me, but in reality it was because Christopher was carrying the American flag in the Color Guard so he had get through quickly. I considered bringing a sign that read “PAY ATTENTION, FOLKS. My husband is carrying the American flag.” but I didn’t think that would be appropriate considering the circumstances. To keep myself occupied after he left do perform his duties, I looked at the lovely tables and took pictures of the food. As soon as Kim arrived downstairs I rushed over and told her the dessert options. Dessert was a topic that came up approximately 750 times that day.
We spent the rest of the evening talking, eating, listening to a keynote speaker who came from a long line of Hawaiian warriors (no one else at my table thought that was a funny as I did), reuniting with long-lost friends (meaning Kim and I would see each other after fifteen minutes apart and act as if it had been DECADES), and seeing lots of people in uniform. I’ve always been a fan of a good uniform.
Tomorrow is the graduation then we’re headed home!
Jan 3, 2012 | Holidays, It's all relative |
New Year’s Eve found us hanging out with these cute people,their parents and Oma.
Stephanie moved their clock so that seven o’clock miraculously became twelve o’clock. Logan was so excited to stay up to ring in the New Year! After supper we played charades. I’m highly creative so I was a cactus. Basically I just stood there with my arms in the air.
Stephanie and Christopher did more active things like parachuting and ski jumping. They did much more than just stand there with their arms in the air.
After all the festivities (including more games and throwing poppers) were over, Christopher and I went to the movies to see New Year’s Eve. We were nothing if not completely appropriate in our movie choices. Did you know Christopher had no idea who Zac Efron was? I had to remind myself that he has not spent the same number of hours watching High School Musical and the Disney channel as I have. Working in Babysitterville can be quite educational at times.
In keeping with the spirit of what I do all year long, I was eating crackers and pepperoni at 11:56 pm. Why stop doing something that has worked so well all year? Eating is a tradition I intend of continuing into this new year.
The new year started off beautifully with a few (very small) fireworks courtesy of some neighbors. The best part was that Christopher and I were able to begin the new year together.
You all have a lovely year. (May you have many happy eating opportunities.)
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
Dec 28, 2011 | Holidays |
A cute ornament from Christopher’s mom!
We got so many nice ornaments for our tree!
Sadie Bug and I on her first Christmas Eve.
She celebrated the occasion by wearing a big blue bow.
Logan had no shortage of toys or smiles on Christmas morning!
Christopher and I in front of our first Christmas on our first Christmas together.
Dec 25, 2011 | Holidays, Love & Marriage |
The first official Sarah & Christopher Christmas card